A.C.E. Bible Subjects

A.C.E. Bible subjects begin with Bible Reading in the primary and lower secondary levels. Higher secondary Bible subjects offered include general and in depth choices, from Successful Living (a study of wisdom in the book of Proverbs) to New Testament Church History and Christian World View.

Students who are seeking a Year 10 Certificate are required to do Biblical Studies, a survey of the New Testament, plus one other Bible subject.

Some Testimonials about A.C.E. Bible Subjects

Kate - Life advice straight from the Creator Himself!

Samples of Bible PACEs

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Bible Reading

Lower Primary study of the Bible

Bible Reading

Middle Primary study of the Bible

Bible Reading

Upper Primary study of the Bible

Biblical Studies

Secondary survey of New Testament


Successful Living

Secondary study of Wisdom as taught in Proverbs


Life of Christ

Upper secondary elective


Bible Telling

Upper Secondary elective

There are some electives that I make mandatory for my kids to do. The Successful Living course is one of them! It has such great advice and is written clearly, but very charitably, with Scriptures to back it all up. Life advice straight from the Creator himself! You can't get better than that! - Katie, Victoria Back to top of page

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