Bible (Christian Studies) Scope and Sequence

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Please note: There is additional information on the Bible/Christian Studies PACE's in the Ordering: Notes by Subject (Bible) page in the Member's Area.  It provides a helpful list for ordering of the PACE's in each Level and their relevant Score Keys. There are also links to informative videos explaining some of the subjects as well as if there are any additional items to purchase.

Primary and secondary pre-credit level PACEs

Secondary credit level PACEs

Bible Reading 1001-1012


1001 Story---Abram and Lot; Story---Joshua; Story---Noah’s Ark

1002 Story---Floating Axehead; Story---The Ten Lepers;Story---Adam and Eve

1003 Story---David and Goliath; Story---The Good Samaritan; Story---Jonah

1004 Story---Paul and Silas; Story---Jesus Calms the Storm; Story---Moses

1005 Story---Mephibosheth; Story---Peter in Prison; Story---Thomas

1006 Story---Tower of Babel; Story---Burning Bush; Story---Elijah and the Widow Woman

1007 Story---Feeding of the Five Thousand; Story---Jesus and the Pharisee; Story---Daniel in the Lions’ Den

1008 Story---Jesus; Story---Naaman; Story---Moses and the Brass Serpent

1009 Story---Nehemiah, the Wall Builder; Story---Jairus’ Daughter; Story---Zacchaeus

1010 Story---Paul and Eutychus; Story---The Hole in the Roof; Story---Samuel

1011 Story---Samuel and David; Story---Bringing Gifts to the Tabernacle; Story---Gideon

1012 Story---Moses and the Ten Commandments; Story---Joseph

Bible Reading 1013-1024


1013 Read from the Bible: John 1:1-2:25 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to find a way to do what I should

1014 Read from the Bible: John 3:1-4:42 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to give to others

1015 Read from the Bible: John 4:43-6:15 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to want to help others

1016 Read from the Bible: John 6:16-7:18 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to know what is right

1017 Read from the Bible: John 7:19-8:42 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts, Learn to give of myself to God

1018 Read from the Bible: John 8:43-10:21 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the New Testament-Romans, 1 Corinthians, II Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians, Learn to be kind and loving

1019 Read from the Bible: John 10:22-11:15 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the New Testament-Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, and II Timothy, Learn to be considerate

1020 Read from the Bible: John 12:1-13:30 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the New Testament- Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, and II Peter, Learn that God works in my life tomake me humble

1021 Read from the Bible: John 13:31-16:12 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the New Testament – I John, II john, III John, Jude, and Revelation, Learn to care about the needs and feelings of others

1022 Read from the Bible: John 16:13-18:14 Write the New Testament books in order, Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to be kind as God is kind

1023 Read from the Bible: John 18:15-19:37 Connecting names of New Testament books in order, Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to say and do the right things at the right times

1024 Read from the Bible: John 19:38-21:25 Review and write the names of the New Testament books in order, Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to have peace through Jesus

Bible Reading 1025-1036


1025 Read from the Bible: Matthew 1:1-4:25 Answer questions about God’s Word, To learn in order thefirst five books of the Old Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, To learn to stay by someone when they need me – to be loyal

1026 Read from the Bible: Matthew 5:1– 6:34 Answer questions about God’s Word, learn books of the Old Testament – Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, and II Samuel, Say first ten books of Old Testament in order, Learn to trust Jesus and not fear

1027 Read from the Bible: Matthew 7:1-9:38 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the Old Testament – 1 kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles and Ezra, Say first fifteen books of Old Testament in order, Learn to give to others

1028 Read from the Bible: Matthew 10:1-12:8 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the Old Testament – Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, Say first twenty books of Old Testament in order, Learn that God is with me

1029 Read from the Bible: Matthew 12:9-13:53 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the Old Testament – Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations, Say first twenty-five books of Old Testament in order

1030 Read from the Bible: Matthew 13:54 – 16:12 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the Old Testament –Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, Say first thirty books of Old Testament in order, learn to care for needs of others

1031 Read from the Bible: Matthew 16:13-18:35 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the Old Testament – Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk, Say first thirty-five books of Old Testament in order, Learn to be kind as God is kind

1032 Read from the Bible: Matthew 19:1-21:22 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn books of the Old Testament – Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, Say all books of the Old Testament in order, Learn to be Humble

1033 Read from the Bible: Matthew 21:23-23:39 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to accept others even when they do not agree with me

1034 Read from the Bible: Matthew 24:1-25:26 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to be true to God and others

1035 Read from the Bible: Matthew 26:1-75 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn to stay by someone when they need me

1036 Read from the Bible: Matthew 27:1-28:20 Answer questions about God’s Word. Recognize books of the Old Testament; learn to give everything to God, including thoughts for self

Bible Reading 1037-1048


1037 Read from the Bible: Mark 1:1-4:29 Answer questions about God’s Word, Learn facts about Old Testament Books of the Law, Learn to say and do the rights things at the right times

1038 Read from the Bible: Mark 4:30-7:23 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review facts about the five Books of Law, Learn facts about the first five books of History in the Old Testament, Learn to tell the truth always

1039 Read from the Bible: Mark 7:24-10:34 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review five Books of Law, Review five Books of History, Learn the last seven Books of History in the Old Testament, Learn to accept whatever happens as God’s best for me

1040 Read from the Bible: Mark 10:35-13:37 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review Books of Law and History, Learn the five Books of Poetry in the Old Testament, Learn to know that God gives me strength to do what I should

1041 Read from the Bible: Mark 14:1-16:20 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review Books of Law, History, and Poetry, Learn five Books of the Major Prophets in Old Testament, learn to pay attention

1042 Read from the Bible: Luke 1:1-3:22 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review Books of Law, History, Poetry, and the Major Prophets, Learn first six Books of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament, Learn to be happy and sing to the Lord

1043 Read from the Bible: Luke 3:23-7:10 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review Books of Law, History, Poetry, the Major Prophets and six Minor Prophets, Learn last six Books of the Minor Prophets, Learn to do God’s best no matter what happens

1044 Read from the Bible: Like 7:11-9:62 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review Books of Law, Learn to love others even when they do wrong

1045 Read from the Bible: Luke 10:1-12:59 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review Books of History, Learn to want to help others

1046 Read from the Bible: Luke 13:1-17:37 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review five Books of Poetry, Learn to give up my rights in order to get along with others

1047 Read from the Bible: Luke 18:1-21:38 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review five Books of the Major Prophets, Learn to do right always according to God’s Word

1048 Read from the Bible: Luke 22:1-24:53 Answer questions about God’s Word, Review twelve Books of the Minor Prophets, Review all the Books of the Old Testament, Learn to obey people who rule over me

Bible Reading 1049-1060


1049 To read from Acts about: Jesus ascension into heaven; the choosing of Matthias to replace Judas; the coming of the Holy Spirit; Peter’s sermon to the people; and the beginning of the New Testament church To study themes from the Psalms: The Godly contrasted to the ungodly man; God’s ultimate rule; and trusting God for protection and peace To learn from the book of Genesis about: Creation, the creation of Eve; Adam and Eve’s sin; Cain and Abel; Cain’s descendants; Adam’s descendants; the Great Flood; the rainbow; and Noah’s family

1050 To learn from the book of Acts about: Peter healing a blind beggar; Peter teaching in the temple; Peter and John facing the rulers and elders; the believers sharing their possessions; and the judgement of Ananias and Sapphira To study themes from Psalms: rejoicing in God’s protection and peace; God’s defense for us from lies spoken against us; and God’s ability to rescue us from trouble To learn from Genesis about: the descendants of Noah; the Tower of Babel and the descendants of Shem; God’s promise of a nation to Abram; Abram and Lot’s separation; Abram’s rescue of Lot; God’s promise of a son to Abram; Abram and Hagar; the terms of God’s promise to Abram; and Sodom and Gomorrah

1051 To learn from the book of Acts about: Opposition from the apostles’ teaching; the church appointing  men to serve; the arrest of Stephen; Stephen’s address to the rulers and elders and the death of Stephen To study these themes from Psalms: God the Righteous Judge; man the crown of Creation and God our victorious King To learn from Genesis about: God rescuing Lot; the sin of Lot’s daughters; Abraham deceiving Abimelech; the birth of Isaac; Hagar sending Hagar and Ishmael away; Abraham’s covenant with Abimelech; God testing Abraham’s obedience; Abraham burying Sarah and Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah

1052 To learn from the book of Acts about: the persecution of the church; Philip and Simon the sorcerer; Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch; Saul’s conversion and Peter healing Aeneas and Dorcas To study these themes from Psalms: the LORD seeing everything; the LORD as righteous ruler; the words of the wicked compared to the words of God and the LORD as the answer to our despair To learn from Genesis about: Abraham’s death; the birth of Jacob and Esau; Esau selling his birthright; Isaac and King Abimelech; Isaac blessing Jacob instead of Esau; Jacob’s dream; Jacob’s marriages and family and Jacob becoming wealthy

1053 To learn from the book of Acts about: Cornelius sending a delegation to Peter; Peter’s vision; the salvation of Peter’s household; Peter’s defense of God’s grace; and Barnabas and Saul at Antioch To study these themes from Psalms: the folly of the Godless; those who may dwell with the LORD; the hope of the faithful; and Prayer with confidence in salvation To learn from Genesis about: Laban’s covenant with Jacob; Esau’s coming to meet Jacob; Jacob’s wrestle with God; Jacob meeting Esau; the Dinah incident; Jacob’s return to Bethel; the death of Rachel and Isaac and the descendants of Esau

1054 To learn from the book of Acts about: an angel rescuing Peter from prison; God’s judgement on Herod; Paul and Barnabas preaching at Antioch; and the Gospel being given to the Gentiles To study this theme from Psalms: the LORD delivering His children To learn from Genesis about: Joseph being sold into slavery; Judah and Tamar; Joseph being imprisoned; Joseph interpreting two dreams; Pharaoh’s dream; Joseph’s promotion to ruler of Egypt and Joseph meeting his brothers

1055 To learn from the book of Acts about: Paul and Barnabas; Paul’s stoning at Lystra; the journey back to Antioch; the conflict over circumcision and Paul and Barnabas parting ways To study these themes from Psalms: the perfection of God’s Word; God, our salvation and the joy of God’s salvation To learn from Genesis about: the return to Egypt with Benjamin; Joseph’s cup; Joseph revealing himself to his brothers; Jacob’s journey to Egypt; Joseph’s dealing with the family; Joseph’s vow to Jacob; Jacob blessing Joseph’s sons; Jacob’s last words and final days; and Joseph’s final days

1056 To learn from the book of Acts about: the introduction of Timothy; the Macedonian vision; the adventure at Philippi; the founding of the Thessalonian church; the founding of the Berean church and Paul’s ministry at Athens To study these themes from Psalms: God’s faithfulness when we are afflicted; God, the Good Shepherd To learn from Exodus about: the bondage of Israel; the introduction of Moses; Moses and the Burning Bush; Moses’ first encounter with Pharaoh; God reassuring Moses; the plagues of blood and frogs and the plagues of lice and flies

1057 To learn from the book of Acts about: Paul at Corinth; Apollos at Ephesus; Paul at Ephesus; Christ’s miracles through the hands of Paul and the uproar of the Ephesian silversmiths To study these themes from Psalms: the Lord as the King of Glory; the Lord as our source of guidance and integrity and righteous guidance To learn from Exodus about: the plagues of murrain on cattle, of boils and of hail; the plagues of locusts and darkness; the Passover and the death of the firstborn; Israel’s exit from Egypt; the crossing of the Red Sea; the song of deliverance and the bitter waters of Marah and the provision of quail and manna

1058 To learn from the book of Acts about: Paul’s continuing travels; Paul’s journey to Jerusalem; Paul’s arrival and arrest in Jerusalem and Pauls’ defense before the people To study these themes from Psalms: the LORD as our refuge; the LORD as our rock of safety and the LORD’s power over nature To learn from Exodus about: water from the rock at Horeb; battle with Amalek; Jethro’s visit; Israel’s meeting with God at Mt Sinai; giving of the Ten Commandments; giving of the law; Israel accepting the law and instructions for building a Tabernacle

1059 To learn from the book of Acts about: Paul being tried by the Jewish council; Paul being sent to Caesarea; Paul’s trial before Felix; Paul’s trial before Festus and Agrippa’s examination of Paul To study these themes from Psalms: the LORD our joy; the LORD our friend and refuge and forgiveness in the LORD To learn from Exodus about: the design of the Tabernacle; the clothing of the priests; the dedication ceremony of the priests; instructions for sacrifice and worship, God’s blessing upon the workmen; the Sabbath as a sign between the LORD and Israel; Idolatry of the golden calf and God’s judgement upon the idolaters

1060 To learn from the book of Acts about: Paul’s defense before Agrippa; Paul’s voyage to Rome; the storm and the shipwreck; the landing at Melita and Paul’s arrival and imprisonment at Rome To study these themes from Psalms: the LORD as our true deliverer and the LORD as provider for His children To learn from Exodus about: Israel resuming their journey; God summarizing the law to the people again; giving of offerings for the Tabernacle; constructing the Tabernacle; designing the priestly garments and raising up the Tabernacle

Bible Reading 1061-1072

BIBLE READING 1061 – 1072

1061 To learn from the Book of Romans: Paul’s theme for the Book of Romans; The world guilty before God; Justification by faith in Christ; Results of justification; To study ways to praise God from the Book of Psalms: Praising God through difficult times; Praising God for Who He is; Praising God for victory over enemies; To gain wisdom from the Book of Proverbs: The beginning of true knowledge; Searching for true wisdom; To learn from the Book of Leviticus: The sweet – savour offerings; The non – sweet – savour offerings; The law of the offerings; The consecration of the priests and their ministries; A holy people serving God

1062 To learn from the Book of Romans: Paul’s questions regarding sin; Paul’s questions regarding the law; New life at work in the Believer; Israel’s past, present, and future; To study ways to praise God from the Book of Psalms: David’s sin and God’s chastening; David’s understanding of the shortness of life; David’s praises to God for His deliverance; To understand true wisdom from the Book of Proverbs: Direction from God for your life; Value in finding true wisdom; Value in keeping sound wisdom; To learn from the Book of Leviticus: Cleansing of the body; Law concerning the Day of Atonement; Standards for the people and the priests; Special Jewish holy days; Laws concerning obedience, vows, and tithes

1063 To learn from the Book of Romans: Serving God, church, and society; Working with human government; Relating to one another; Planning, greeting, and final benediction; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: Considering the poor; Longing for God and desiring to be in His house; Moving from defeat to victory; To study the benefits of true wisdom from the Book of Proverbs: Acquiring true wisdom; Avoiding bad company; Watching what we do and say; To learn about Israel’s history from the Book of Numbers: Preparing for the journey; Sanctifying the people; Marching to Kadesh – Barnea; Arriving at Kadesh – Barnea

1064 To learn about the church at Corinth from 1 Corinthians: Fact of divisions in church; Causes for divisions in church; Consequences of divisions in church; To study themes about our King from the Book of Psalms: The King and His royal wedding; The King and His abundant supply; The King and His majestic rule over Earth; The King and His royal rule all Jerusalem; To learn Godly council from the Book of Proverbs: Council to avoid sinful ways; Consequences of not avoiding sinful ways; To learn about Israel and its leaders from the Book of Numbers: Duties of and support for the Levites; Sacrifice of the red heifer; Sin of Moses and its consequences; Wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel

1065 To learn from the Book of 1 Corinthians: Having the right kind of example to follow; Dealing with sin in the church; Dealing with a Christian taking another Christian to court; Dealing with marriage questions; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: Man’s hope found in the LORD; Man’s dependence on God; Man’s confession of sin; To understand these principles from the Book of Proverbs: Caution against being surety for others; Rebuke of laziness; Warning about wicked men; Seven things God hates; Exhortation to walk according to God’s commandments; To learn from the Book of Deuteronomy: Review of Israel’s wilderness wanderings; Review of the Ten Commandments; Review of various commandments and statutes

1066 To learn from the Book of 1 Corinthians: Principles of yielding to control conduct; Principles that governed Paul’s life; Warnings that regarding temptations; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: Comparing the righteous and the wicked; Bringing salvation out of Zion; Asking God for deliverance from our enemies; Casting our burdens on the LORD; To understand these warnings from the Book of Proverbs: Avoiding a strange [immoral] woman; Avoiding the enticing methods of a strange woman; To learn from the Book of Deuteronomy: Commandments concerning leaders; Commandments concerning relationships with others; Reconfirming the covenant with blessings and curses; Parting words of Moses

1067 To learn about the church from the Book of 1 Corinthians: Public worship in the church; Spiritual gifts in the church; Resurrection hope for the church; Closing exhortations to the church; To study mercy and judgment from the Book of Psalms: The mercy of God in time of need; The judgment of God for our sins; To study wisdom from the Book of Proverbs: Qualities and origin of wisdom; Wisdom and folly contrasted; To learn about courage from the Book of Joshua: Commissioning to enter Canaan; Crossing the Jordan into Canaan; Conquering central Canaan; Conquering southern Canaan; Conquering northern Canaan

1068 To learn about Paul’s ministry from the Book of 2 Corinthians: Paul’s plans; Paul’s ministry; Paul’s exhortations; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: David’s appeal to God for help; God’s provision of victory for Israel; David’s prayer and praise to God; To see the righteous and wicked contrasted in Proverbs: The wisdom of the righteous; The folly of the wicked; To learn from the Book of Joshua: Division of the land east of the Jordan River; Division of Judah’s inheritance in Canaan; Division of an inheritance for Ephraim and Manasseh; Division of an inheritance for other tribes; Cities of refuge and special cities for the Levites; Parting words from Joshua

1069 To learn from the Book of 2 Corinthians: Christian giving; Authority and marks of an apostle; Plans and greetings of an apostle; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: David waited on God for deliverance; David sought God’s help and deliverance; David praised God for His deliverance; To see the righteous and wicked contrasted in Proverbs: The righteous compared to the unrighteous; To learn from the Book of Judges: Background of the period of judges; Various oppressions and deliverances; Canaanite oppression and Deborah and Barak’s deliverance; Midianite oppression and Gideon’s deliverance; Various oppressions and deliverances; Philistine oppression and Samson’s birth

1070 To learn from the Book of Galatians: Justification by faith defended; Justification by faith explained; Justification by faith applied; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: Thanksgiving to the LORD for Who He is; Praise to the LORD for His deliverance; Praise to the LORD for His salvation; To learn wise principles from the Book of Proverbs: The wise instruction of a father to a son; To learn from the Book of Judges: The life of Samson; The idolatry of the house of Micah and the tribe of Dan; The sin and punishment of the tribe of Benjamin; To learn from the Book of Ruth: Ruth’s resolve, rights, request, and rewards

1071 To learn from the Book of Ephesians: Chosen and sealed; Saved by grace; Equal in the Body of Christ; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: A victorious hymn; Despair turned into praise; An urgent prayer for help; To learn wise principles from the Book of Proverbs: The wise instruction of a father to a son; To learn from the Book of 1 Samuel: The life and ministry of Samuel – the last judge; The rise, fall, and replacement of Saul – the first king

1072 To learn from the Book of Ephesians: Practical walk of Believers toward Believers; Practical walk of Believers toward unbelievers; Protection for Believers against our enemies; To study these themes from the Book of Psalms: An unnamed Psalm; A Psalm for Solomon; A Psalm of Asaph; To learn wise principles from the Book of Proverbs: The wise instruction of a father to a son; To learn from the Book of 1 Samuel:  Rise of David over Saul; Rejection of David by Saul; Protection of David; Refuge for David

Note: Bible Reading PACE sequence ceases at 1072.  From this point families have the following choices:

  • Successful Living 1-12 (Can be included on the Year 10/HSC/COA pathways)
  • Bible Telling 1-10 (Can be included on the Year 10/HSC/COA pathways)
  • New Testament Survey (Can be included on the Year 10/HSC/COA pathways)
  • Old Testament Survey (Can be included on the Year 10/HSC/COA pathways)
  • Choose an external source to fulfil the Bible Subject.  Keep in mind that a Bible subject is required for both Year 9 and Year 10. 

Please speak to one of our team for more information.

New Testament Survey 1097-1108

New Testament Survey 1097-1108 (Fourth Edition)

1097 The Inter-Testament interval: World powers, sects and parties; the New Testament: name, content; the Four Gospels; the Gospel of Matthew: the penman, the period and place, the purpose, the peculiarities, the plan.

1098 The book of Mark: the penman, the period and place, the peculiarities, the purpose, the plan; the book of Luke: the penman, the period and place, the purpose, the plan.

1099 The book of John: the penman, the period and place, the peculiarities, the purpose, the plan; the book of Acts: the penman, the period and place, the purpose, the plan.

1100 The book of Romans: the penman, the period and place, the people to whom written; the problems, the purposes the plan of the book; the book of 1 Corinthians: the penman, the problems, the period and place of writing, the purposes, the people to whom written, the plan of the book.

1101 The book of 2 Corinthians: the penman, the problem, the postman, the purpose, the period and place of writing, the plan of the book; the book of Galatian: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the problems, the purpose, the plan of the book.

1102 The book of Ephesians: the penman, , the period and place of writing, the particular character of the epistle, the problem, the postman the purposes, the plan of the book; the book of Philippians: the penman, the period and place of writing, the personal occasion of the epistle, the prominent word of the epistle, the people to whom written, the purpose, the postman, the plan of the book.

1103 The book of Colossians: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the problem, the purposes, the postman, the plan of the book the book of 1 Thessalonians: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the purposes, the plan of the book; the book of 2 Thessalonians: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the problem, the purposes, the plan of the book.

1104 The book of 1 Timothy: the penman, the period and place of writing, the person to whom addressed, the purposes, the plan of the book; the book of 2 Timothy: the penman, the period and place of writing, the person to whom addressed, the purposes, the plan of the book; the book of Titus: the penman, the period and place of writing, the person to whom addressed, the purposes, the plan of the book.

1105 The book of Philemon: the penman, the period and place of writing, the persons concerned, the purposes, the plan of the book; the book of Hebrews: the penman, the period and place of writing, the problems, the purposes, the peculiarities, the propositions, the plan of the book.

1106 The book of James: the penman, the period and place of writing, the persons to whom addressed, the purposes, the plan of the book; the book of 1 Peter: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the purpose, the plan of the book; the book of 2 Peter: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the peculiarities, the purpose, the plan of the book.

1107 The books of 1, 2, 3 John: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the problems, the purposes, the plan of the books; the book of Jude: the penman, the period and place of writing, the people to whom written, the problem, the purposes, the plan of the book.

1108 The book of Revelation: the penman, the period and place of writing, the peculiarities, the problem, the purposes, the plan of the book.

Old Testament Survey 1109-1120

Old Testament Survey (1109-1120) (Fourth edition)

1109 Introduction to Old Testament Survey; learn about good Bible study preparation; learn about the authority of the Bible; the books of the Bible; the books of the Bible; learn the chronology of the Old Testament; learn about viewpoints of the God of the bible; learn about the covenants of the Old Testament; learn about the time periods of the Old Testament.

1110 Learn about the Creation; learn about the introduction of sin; learn about Noah; learn about Abraham; learn about Jacob; learn about Joseph.

1111 Learn about the Exodus; learn about the life of Moses; learn about the leaving Egypt; learn about the wilderness journey; learn about the giving of the Law; learn about Leviticus.

1112 Learn about Numbers; learn about the organization of the camp; learn about moving the camp; learn about a false prophet and conclusion of Numbers; learn about Deuteronomy; learn about the geography of these stories.

1113 Learn about Joshua; learn about the Judges; learn about Ruth.

1114 learn about Samuel; learn about Saul; learn about David: David's good years, David's bad years.

1115 learn about Solomon's reign; learn about Jeroboam I through Omri; learn about Ahab, Elijah and Jehoshaphat; learn about Syria.

1116 Learn about Elisha; learn about the political unrest of Israel and Judah; learn about the political contrasts in Judah's history; learn about first and second Chronicles.

1117 Learn about Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther; learn about the poetical books and Job.

1118 Learn about Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.

1119 Learn about the prophets, particularly Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

1120 Learn about the minor prophets: Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

Successful Living 1-12

Successful Living 1-12 (Fourth Edition)

1 Introduction to Proverbs 1-9; a proper attitude toward God; a proper attitude toward authority; results of having a proper attitude toward authority; putting principles into practice.

2 A proper attitude toward money; a proper attitude toward wisdom.

3 Getting to know God; Wisdom's end results; summing it up in one word.

4 Character study of the Evil Man; character study of the Strange Woman; character study of the Virtuous Woman.

5 Sources of happiness: Long life with peace, popularity, direction, health, wealth, discipline; establishing right priorities.

6 Building relationships using 6 building blocks: 1 - Spiritual Stability; 2 - Confidence in times of Crisis; 3 - Commitment; 4 - Conflict Management; 5 - Proper Emotional Focus; 6 - Upright Environment.

7 Introduction to Wisdom, Justice, Judgement and Equity; the life of the Teacher; Wisdom; Justice; Judgement; Equity.

8 "The Black Cloth": the Nature of a Strange Woman; the Position of the Man; Consequences of Immorality. "A Sparkling Diamond": Learning to love; a jewel of High Value; for Public Display; Reaping the Benefits. Four Sobering Results of Immorality.

9 Building your career on Knowledge: protecting your resources, increasing your productivity; building your career on Discretion: the drain of divisiveness and immorality.

10 Five actions that strengthen you against temptation; Seven "Red Flags" that warn of immorality; the Drama itself; practical applications.

11 Wisdom makes its appeal to all humanity; how to find wisdom; the fruit of wisdom; a Hebrew poem: "Wisdom Sings Her Own Praises!"; Wisdom repeats her appeal.

12 The three-part picture: Wisdom, Folly, the Valley of Decision; making wise decisions; studying the rest of the book of Proverbs.

New Testament Church History 121-132

New Testament Church History 121-132 (3rd Edition)

121 The Old Testament prophesies; rejection of the Messiah by the Jews.

122 A study of the fullness of the times, the passion week, and the beginnings of the church age.

123 A study of church history as found in the book of Acts.

124 A study of the Apostolic fathers, the completion of the canon, and the fall of Jerusalem.

125 A study of the time of persecution, the strengths and problems of the early church.

126 A study of the acceptance of Christianity: Constantine, the ecumenical councils, and church fathers.

127 A study of the church from the fifth to the fourteenth century, Gregory the Great, the schism of 1054, and the doctrines of the Roman Church.

128 A study of the Reformation: its causes, its participants, and its followers.

129 A study of the post-Reformation age: the Anabaptists, the Anglicans, and the Religious Wars

130 A study of Pietism and the Methodist revival.

131 A study of the missionary movement and the beginnings of prophetic study at the hands of the brethren.

132 A study of the church in the twentieth century: its enemies, its battles, and its present situation.

Life of Christ 1133-1144

Life of Christ 1133-1144 (Fourth edition)

1133 Historical background and setting; cultural setting; religious and moral background; the world at Jesus' birth

1134 Our sources for the life of Christ; Christ's history before birth; the birth of Christ; Christ's early years

1135 John the Baptist; Jesus' baptism and wilderness temptation; some firsts in Jesus' ministry' two memorable encounters

1136 Jesus becomes known; the call of the twelve apostles; the sermon on the mount

1137 Teaching in parables; crossing and recrossing the sea; closing the great Galilean ministry

1138 Withdrawal to Bethsaida Julius; withdrawals to Syrophoenicia and Decapolis; withdrawal to Caesarea Philippi

1139 The feast of Tabernacles; the light of the world; some parables; some opposition to Jesus

1140 Teaching in parables; other instructions

1141 Coming into Jerusalem; teaching in Jerusalem; being challenged by critics

1142 Jesus' message on the Mount of Olives; Jesus' final meals with His friends; Jesus' final hours of freedom

1143 The arrest of the Lord; the trials of the Lord; the crucifixion of the Lord

1144 The day of Christ's resurrection; later appearances of Christ

Missions 1-6

Missions 1-6 

This course examines seven reference books, which are required reading.

Part of each PACE involves writing an essay in one of four types (Descriptive, Expository, Narrative, Persuasive), using outlines and essay-writing skills.

1 Peril by Choice, by James C. Hefley. About missionaries to the Chol Indians in Mexico.

2 Peace Child, by Don Richardson. About missionaries to the Sawi Indians in Irian Jaya.

3 Beyond the Next Mountain, by Mawii Pudaite. About Rochunga Pudaite, a descendant of headhunter, who translated the Bible into the language of his people.

4 C. T. Studd, by Norman Grubb. About C. T. Studd, a pioneer missionary in China, India and Africa

5 The Triumph of John and Betty stam, by Geraldine Taylor and Give Up Your Small Ambitions, by Michael C. Griffiths. John and Betty Stam  sacrificed their lives to share the Gospel with people in China. Michael Griffiths was General Director of Overseas Missionary Fellowship

6 Flagellant on Horseback, by Richard E. Day. About David Brainerd, a missionary to the Indians of Colonial days

Christian Growth 133-138

Christian Growth 133-138

This course examines six reference books, which are required reading.

133 A study of The School of Obedience, by Andrew Murray. Examples of obedience in Scripture

134 A study of The Hour that Changes the World, by Dick Eastman. Developing a sixty minute prayer program

135 A study of Nervous Christians, by L.G. Little and T.H. Epp. A study of nervous disorders, psychosomatic suffering, and psychotherapy; Self-judgement and its effects upon the physical and spiritual health of Christians; Spiritual warfare

136 A study of The Spirit-Controlled Temperament, by Tim LaHaye. The four basic temperaments and their strengths and weaknesses

137 A study of When A Christian Sins, by John R. Rice. What sin does to a Christian, and what is involved in confession

138 A study of This Way To Happiness, by Clyde M. Narramore. The basic psychological needs of humans and the proper steps to take in order to meet these needs

Christian Counselling 1-10

Christian Counselling 1-10

Accelerate Christian Home Schooling advises that the Christian Counselling course should be selected after careful consideration and understanding that it follows the Nouthetic approach to counselling. We do not necessarily endorse, nor oppose this approach, however, we do want students to be aware that it is a narrow approach.

For information on Nouthetic Counselling, you can visit these links:

This subject requires two texts: Competent to Counsel, by Jay E. Adams and The Christian Counselor's Manual, by Jay E. Adams

1 The problem with counselling; the Holy Spirit in counseling; treatment by physical means

2 Nouthetic counseling; the pastor as nouthetic counselor; nouthetic and Rogerian counseling

3 Confessing your sins; solving problems nouthetically

4 Some principles of nouthetic technique; communication and multiple counselling

5 Christian school teachers as nouthetic counselors; disciplining and structure

6 The Persons; the presuppositions and principles

7 Language of counseling; love in counseling; change of counseling

8 Getting started in counseling; basic approaches; data gathering

9 Analysis of homework for counseling; ways of using homework in counselling

10 Dealing with problems of anger; dealing with problems of envy, depression and schizophrenia; sexual difficulties and fear

Christian World View 1-12

Christian World View 1-12

This course follows the text and study guide by Charles Colson, How Now Shall We Live?

The course is described in the first part of this video (Episode 1).

1 Biblical Worldview, meanings of different philosophies, the importance of Scripture in a Biblical worldview.

2 The danger of Darwinism, naturalists and evolution, pre-evangelism, the place of science in the Biblical worldview.

3 The value of human life, the naturalistic "culture of death", abortion, God's purpose for mankind, eternal hope, "created in God's image.

4 The influence of worldly philosophers, Biblical worldview of sin, the world's denial of sin and its consequences, the Fall of man, concept of original sin and its effect on humanity.

5 Suffering and evil - a Biblical response, right vs wrong.

6 Redemption, God's plan vs the world's foolishness, false gods, materialism, Marxism vs Christianity, freedom in Christ vs the world's liberation.

7 Role of true science, salvation and hope in God, The New Age view of "God", true redemption in Christ.

8 Restoring the lost, building Christian culture, true Christian living, Christian unity, God's training ground - the family.

9 The failure of modern public education, necessity of Christian Education, the concept of community from a Biblical worldview.

10 Law vs Conscience (God's spirit in action), Christian view of work, integrity, public life and private life - the same person.

11 The basis for true science, Christian worldview of music, art and literature.

12 How Now Shall We Live? With courage and boldness to live out our faith in every walk of life.

Bible Telling 1-12


Each story in this course has the student: search the Scripture; Tell the story; Draw a story board; Discover the relevant history and customs for the story; Reflect on the story

1 Story 1 - The Birth of John; Story 2 - The Birth of Jesus; Story 3 - Growing up

2 Story 4 –The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus; Story 5 –Turning Water to Wine; Story 6 –The New Birth

3 Story 7 –The Woman at the Well; Story 8 – Rejected in Nazareth; Story 9 –Fishing for People

4 Story 10 –The Sermon on the Mount; Story 11 – Forgiving Sins; Story 12 –Calling the Twelve

5 Story 13 –Three Untouchables; Story 14 – Teaching with Stories; Story 15 –Calming two Storms

6 Story 16 –Twelve Years; Story 17 –John the Baptist Beheaded; Story 18 –A Meal and a Walk

7 Story 19 –The Bread of Life; Story 20 –The Transfiguration; Story 21 –The Man Born Blind

8 Story 22 –Forgiveness and Neighbours; Story 23 – Lost sheep, lost coin, lost son; Story 24 –Raising Lazarus

9 Story 25 –The Great, the Rich and the Poor; Story 26 –The Triumphal Entry; Story 27 –The Last week of Ministry

10 Story 28 –The Last Supper; Story 29 – Gethsemane; Story 30 –Trial before the Jews

11 Story 31 –Trial before Romans; Story 32 – Crucifixion and Burial; Story 33 –Resurrection

12 Story 34 –The Road to Emmaus; Story 35 – Winning back two Disciples; Story 36 – Commission and Ascension

Biographies of Christians 1-10

Biographies of Christians 1 – 10

*See Notes on Specific PACEs and Subjects: Ordained of the Lord is Not available at SCEE. You may obtain an online version here. If you cannot access this book, you should not do this course.

1 A study of Profiles in Evangelism by Fred Barlow, David Livingstone by Mrs J.H. Worcester, Jr

2 A study of Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. and Mrs Howard Taylor

3 A study of George Washington the Christian by William Johnson

4 A study of George Mueller of Bristol by Arthur T. Pierson

5 A study of The Life of D.L. Moody by William Moody

6 A study of R.A. Torrey: Apostle of Certainty by Roger Martin

7 A study of the life of Gipsy Smith: From the Forest I Came by David Lazell

8 A study of He Gave Us A Valley by Helen Roseveare, relating her experiences as a lady missionary in Africa

9 A study of Ordained of the Lord: H.A. Ironside: A Biography by E. Schuyler English

10 A study of Shadow of the Almighty, by Elizabeth Elliot. The life and testimony of Jim Elliot

Greek I 121-132

GREEK I 121 – 132

121 Write the Greek alphabet; vowels; dipthongs; recognize, write and translate frequently used Greek verbs; rules for accenting Greek verbs; recognize, write, recall and translate present active and passive indicative verb endings

122 Recognition, writing and translation of frequently used nouns and frequently used verbs of the New Testament; nouns of the second declension; verb conjugation in imperfect, active and passive indicative tenses

123 Nouns in the first declension; case endings of the first declension; rules of noun accent, adjectives in the first and second declension; deponent verbs; personal and relative pronouns; conjugation and translation in present and perfect indicative tense

124 Nouns in the third declension; case endings; translation of verbs, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions; conjugation of verbs; translation of present, active and passive infinitive ending

125 Greek nouns, verbs and adjectives; declining nouns of the third declension; future, active, middle and passive indicative verbs

126 Declining irregular adjectives, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions, aorist active and middle indicative verbs, second aorist active and middle indicative verbs and other tenses

127 Interrogative and indefinite pronouns; reflexive and reciprocal pronouns; participles; future and aorist of liquid verbs

128 Adjectives; imperative mood; regular verbs – vocabulary, conjugations, declensions and tenses

129 Review of all concepts – alphabet, vowels and dipthongs; vocabulary; declensions; conjugations; accent; principal parts of irregular verbs; translation

130 Further review of vocabulary, declensions, conjugations, and points of syntax; translation

131 Translation of words, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions; declining nouns; conjugation of verbs in tenses; identify tense, voice, mood, person and number; recognize and write the principal parts of verbs; translation using significant rules of syntax

132 Interrogative, indefinite, reflexive and reciprocal pronouns; adjectives; participles; future and aorist of liquid verbs; imperative mood; regular and irregular verbs; translation exercise

Greek II 11-20

GREEK II 11 – 20

 11 A review of accidence and syntax. Rules of orthography, breaking marks, breathing marks, and the first and second declension nouns

12 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Emphasis is on verb conjugation and rules of accent

13 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. The verb eime, deponent, verbs and third declension nouns

14 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Irregular verbs and nouns

15 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Infinitives, participles and third declension nouns

16 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Contract verbs and principle parts

17 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Verb conjugation, articles and participles

18 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Liquid verbs and verb moods

19 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. The mi verbs and imperative mood

20 A study by means of translation exercised and notes. Suffixes, the aorist tense and irregular verbs

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