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Beauty from Ashes
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Goal Contract
For this month’s guidance from the Certificates Team we are learning about Goal Contract which is on the other side of the Academic Projection Sheet which was included in the July newsletter. Remember, we are asking our families to aid us in maintaining our Certificate’s high standing with the tertiary educational institutions in the South Pacific through high quality marking standards.
A Goal Contract is an agreement between the student and their supervisor (parent) outlining the work to be completed and the number of pages that need to be completed each day. This assists the student to be motivated to keep working as they can monitor their progress and can track the diminishing number of PACEs remaining. The parents can use this to keep the students accountable, as they can remind the student that it is what they agreed to.
1. Add Accelerate Christian Home Schooling in the first space, then the student’s name in the second space and the current year (unless there is a reason otherwise).
2. Add all the PACE numbers to be completed this year under each subject heading. This would be the same as those listed in PACEs to be completed this year.
3. Add then number of pages per PACE. This can be a guess based on the number of pages in the first few PACEs of a subject. Any subjects that don’t fall under these 5 headings can be included in one of the 3 elective columns.
4. The form will automatically total each column with the number of pages per subject and the total number of pages across all subjects.
5. Then to determine how many pages need to be completed each day, divide the total pages per subject by the number of school days in the year (the average is 5 days a week, 10 weeks per term and 4 terms per year, but this can be adjusted to your family plans).
6. Both the student and the parent signs the Goal Contract.
International Family Payment Update
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Degrees of Separation
Six Degrees of Separation “Oh, yes. We know the President of the United States of America.” You’ve heard of the “six degrees of separation” idea? Apparently we are connected to everybody in the whole world by no more than six levels of personal...
Essays in Basic Literature
Essays and Compositions - Basic Literature A.C.E. teaches writing skills. From the beginning, the fundamentals are taught: basic grammar using effective words (exact nouns and verbs, interesting adjectives and adverbs); changing sentence structure. Paragraph stucture...