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Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation “Oh, yes. We know the President of the United States of America.” You’ve heard of the “six degrees of separation” idea? Apparently we are connected to everybody in the whole world by no more than six levels of personal...

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Essays in Basic Literature

Essays and Compositions - Basic Literature A.C.E. teaches writing skills. From the beginning, the fundamentals are taught: basic grammar using effective words (exact nouns and verbs, interesting adjectives and adverbs); changing sentence structure. Paragraph stucture...

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You are the Teacher – Take Control

You are the teacher! Has anyone ever asked you what your child was learning in their home school? Did you then feel uncomfortable, stammer a few syllables, and then realise that the only answer you could give involved a few PACE numbers? Yes, the PACEs have the...

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Parenting and Mobile Phones

This article about mobile phones affecting parenting is inspired by a blog by John Adams, Hey mum and dad, get off the phone, and a recent news item, I wish Mum's phone was never invented', written by Claire Haiek, appearing in the Sunshine Coast Daily.Don’t talk to...

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