
Dwell Together in Unity

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)If you have not heard or read Psalm 133:1 at least once in the last year or two, then (a) you’re not following PACE procedures, or (b) you’ve just begun using...

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Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation “Oh, yes. We know the President of the United States of America.” You’ve heard of the “six degrees of separation” idea? Apparently we are connected to everybody in the whole world by no more than six levels of personal...

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The Best Things in Life Are Free

It’s a hard life. But does it need to be? The expectations we place on ourselves — what we believe are the best outcomes for our children, the most successful marriage, the most gratifying career, the optimum health and fitness programs, the most stylish homes etc —...

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