Social Studies Scope and Sequence

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Please note: There is additional information on the Social Studies PACE's in the Ordering: Notes by Subject (Social Studies) page in the Member's Area.  It provides a helpful list for ordering of the PACE's in each Level and their relevant Score Keys. There are also links to informative videos explaining some of the subjects as well as if there are any additional items to purchase.

Primary and secondary pre-credit level PACEs

Secondary credit level PACEs

Social Studies 1001-1012

1001 - 1012

1001 Connect words with pictures, complete sentences, colour pictures about self and family.

1002 Learn new words, read stories and answer questions about self and family.

1003 Learn new words, read stories and answer questions about the family.

1004 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel and Noah.

1005 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about church and school.

1006 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about forms of transport.

1007 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about saving, not wasting, studying.

1008 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about working hard, giving and sharing.

1009 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about different people and their work; homes and clothing of different climates.

1010 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about globes, maps and missionaries.

1011 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about authority and laws.

1012 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about Australia, living in early Australia, church schools and missionaries.

Social Studies 1013-1024

1013 - 1024

1013 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about saving, caring for things, camping, work and play.

1014 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about travel, rules and laws, farms and ranches.

1015 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about communities, choosing right friends.

1016 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about grandparents, the nursing profession, unique individuals.

1017 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about tithes and offerings, reading good books.

1018 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about Ace's friends, Ace's church and school.

1019 Learn about directions; learn about a compass; learn about maps and signs; learn more about travel.

1020 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about fruit and orchards.

1021 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about meeting new friends.

1022 Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about Spain.

1023A (Australian edition) Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about Australia.

1024A (Australian edition) Learn new words, read stories, answer questions about famous buildings, Captain Cook, Caroline Chisholm and John Flynn.

Social Studies 1025-1036

1025 - 1036

1025 Learn about the many ways we can communicate.

1026 Learn about how we use water and how we use the land.

1027 Learn about maps and globes; learn about continents.

1028 Learn about farming: rice and wheat farms, sheep and dairy farms.

1029 Learn about communities: the family, the farm, the town and the city.

1030 Learn about common businesses; learn about community plans and maps.

1031 Learn about farm products: food, cotton, wool; Learn about natural resources: water, natural gas.

1032 Learn about the history of Jerusalem and Israel; learn to write the answers in cursive.

1033 Learn about Spain; learn to write the answers in cursive.

1034 Learn about Spain; learn about Christopher Columbus; learn to say "I" in a name as "the first"; write the answers in cursive.

1035A (Australian edition) Learn about why people speak different languages; learn about people who came to Australia: the Aborigines, Europeans and English, settlers and convicts

1036A (Australian edition) Learn about government; learn more about God's laws.

Social Studies 1037-1048


1037 Learn about Abraham and Isaac; learn about how the earth moves; learn about kinds of land and water: continents, peninsulas, islands, mountains, hills, plateaus, valleys, highlands, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers.

1038 Learn about maps and globes, directions and distances, latitude and longitude; learn about transportation; learn to read maps and scales.

1039 Learn about Christian education; learn about John Wycliffe.

1040 Learn about the life of David Brainerd; learn about life in the United States during the 1700's; learn about the New England Indians.

1041 Learn about Isaiah; learn about the missionary William Carey; learn about India.

1042 Learn to say the Roman numeral II in a name as "the second"; learn about George Mueller and his orphanage; learn some things about England.

1043 Learn about David Livingstone, a missionary to Africa; learn some things about Africa.

1044 Learn about Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China; learn some things about China.

1045 Learn some things about a ship; learn about Adoniram Judson, a missionary to Burma; learn some things about Myanmar.

1046 Learn about Jim Elliot, a missionary to Ecuador; learn about Ecuador and the Auca Indians.

1047A (Australian edition) Learn about Daniel from the Bible; learn about the church and government; learn about John Bunyan.

1048A (Australian edition) Learn about Australia's first settlers and explorers; learn about the crossing of the Blue Mountains; learn about the overland telegraph line.

Social Studies 1049-1060

1049 - 1060

1049 Learn about working for our needs; learn about possessions, prosperity, and being good stewards and caretakers; learn about property rights and stewardship; map study: continents.

1050A (Australian edition) Oral report: the Australian flag; learn about the geography of Australia: the location of Australia on the globe, the three main areas of Australia, other important parts of Australia, the climate and population.

1051A (Australian edition) Learn about the flora of Australia: Hardwood trees (Eucalypts, Casuarina, Acacias, Baobabs, Grevillea, Banksia), Softwood trees (Pines, Cedars), small wildflowers; learn about Sir Joseph Banks.

1052A (Australian edition) Learn about the fauna population of Australia: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, spiders.

1053A (Australian edition) Learn about Australian Aboriginals: the time line, possible origin, ways of life, weapons and tools, the tribe, religion, art; learn about an Aboriginal missionary.

1054A (Australian edition) Learn about the discovery of Australia: the powerful nations of the world, rumours of a Great South Land, Spanish attempts to find Terra Australis Incognita, the Dutch finding Australia, the English reaching Australia, James Cook's Voyage that "discovered" Australia; learn about the life story of James Cook.

1055A (Australian edition) Learn about England in the 1700s and the first settlement in Australia: Changes in England that led to the first settlement in Australia; Captain Arthur Phillip and the First Fleet; the settlement at Sydney Cove.

1056A (Australian edition) Learn about the early explorer who opened up Australia's interior: before 1813; explorers of South-Eastern Australia; explorers of Central and Northern Australia.

1057 Learn about the development of the British colonies in Australia during the nineteenth century: Occupying the land; the squatter; early growth of the colonies; immigration; the discovery of gold; self-government for the colonies; the growth of industries; the growth of cities and towns; the depression of the 1890s; the great strikes.

1058A (Australian edition) Learn about the Federation of Australia and the granting of the Australian Constitution: the state of the colonies in the 1890s; becoming Australian; United Australia; becoming a nation; the Commonwealth of Australia; the Constitution; learn about Alfred Deakin: a man of God.

1059A (Australian edition) Learn about great Australian inventions and discoveries of the nineteenth century: the wheat stripper, an ice-making machine, merino sheep, the stump jump plough, the Brennan torpedo, irrigation, the sunshine harvester, a shearing machine, rust-free wheat, subterranean clover, the Coolgardie safe, a flying machine, the Alston windmill.

1060A (Australian edition) Learn about modern Australian history - Federation to the present: the birth of the Commonwealth of Australia, World War One, Australia between the wars, the Great Depression, World War Two, Post-War development, Australia in a modern world, changes in religion and the rise of Christian education.

Social Studies 1061-1072

1061 - 1072

1061 Learn about history from the Creation through to the Flood: Creation, the Fall, sons of Adam, the Flood; learn about the new world after the flood: Shem - Israelites, Ham - Asia and Africa, Japheth - Europe and parts of Asia.

1062 Learn about history from the Flood through the times of the Patriarchs: the migration of Noah's descendants; the tower of Babel, the Father of Abraham, the pilgrim Abram, Isaac, Jacob, the world in the times of the Patriarchs.

1063 Learn about history from the Patriarchs to the Exodus: Jacob's entering Canaan, Joseph's journey to Egypt and rise to power, civilizations of the world from 2000BC to 1400BC, Israel's oppression in Egypt, Moses and the Exodus.

1064 Learn about history from the Exodus through Judges -C. 1445-1049 BC: Israel in the wilderness, preparation of Israel to enter Canaan, conquest of Canaan, Judges of Israel.

1065 Learn about history from the prophets to the fall of Judah - C. 1120-586 BC: The office of the Prophet, the life of Samuel the Prophet, the kingdom of Israel, the Assyrian Empire, the New Babylonian Empire.

1066 Learn about history from the captivity of Israel to the return of the Jews to Jerusalem: God's prophet for Israel (Isaiah), God's prophets for Judah, Persian Empire established, Jerusalem rebuilt, civilization from C. 1000-500 BC.

1067 Learn about history from the rebuilding of Jerusalem to the birth of Christ - C. 450-6 BC: the "Silent Years", Greece, Rome, Jerusalem, religious and political groups in Jerusalem.

1068 Learn about the life of Jesus Christ: the events of Jesus' birth and early life, the events of Jesus' earthly ministry, the events of Jesus' death and resurrection.

1069 Learn about history of the early New Testament Church: the early church at Jerusalem, the ministry of the church to the Gentiles, the miraculous deliverance of Peter, the missionary journeys of Paul, the Council at Jerusalem.

1070 Learn about the history of great Christian leaders from AD 100-430: Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Eusebius, Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Augustine.

1071 Learn about the great Christian leaders of Europe C. AD 1300-1600: John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox.

1072 Learn about the Great Awakening: Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, William and Gilbert Tennant, George Wakefield, the Circuit Riders.

Social Studies 1073-1084

1073 - 1084

1073 Learn about careers and ministries: Introduction, art and media, business, management and finance; begin filling in a Career and Ministry Inventory showing own interests.

1074 Learn more about careers and ministries: Engineering, Christian service, computer science; continue filling in a Career and Ministry Inventory.

1075 Learn more about careers and ministries: Agriculture, Education, government and law; continue filling in a Career and Ministry Inventory.

1076 Learn more about careers and ministries :Homemaking, healthcare, hospitality, service and food preparation; continue filling in a Career and Ministry Inventory.

1077 Learn more about careers and ministries: Sound economic principles, office and administrative support, protective service, construction and mechanics, transportation; continue filling in a Career and Ministry Inventory; complete a Skills Inventory and an Interest Inventory.

1078 Learn more about careers and ministries: Science; complete the Career and Ministry Inventory and Final Inventory.

1079A (NSW) (Australian edition) Learn about New South Wales. The Land: Location, physical features, regions, climate, resources; the People: cultures, economy, government, religion, state symbols.

1080A (Qld) (Australian edition) Learn about Queensland. The Land: Location, physical features, regions, climate, resources; the People: cultures, economy, government, religion, state symbols.

1081A (Vic) (Australian edition) Learn about Victoria. The Land: Location, physical features, regions, climate, resources; the People: cultures, economy, government, religion, state symbols.

1082A (Tas) (Australian edition) Learn about Tasmania. The Land: Location, physical features, regions, climate, resources; the People: cultures, economy, government, religion, state symbols.

1083A (SA) (Australian edition) Learn about South Australia. The Land: Location, physical features, regions, climate, resources; the People: cultures, economy, government, religion, state symbols.

1084A (WA) (Australian edition) Learn about Western Australia. The Land: Location, physical features, regions, climate, resources; the People: cultures, economy, government, religion, state symbols.

Australian History 1-12

Australian History 1-12

1 Foundations - Australian Government today; The Bible Foundation; British History Parts 1 and 2; God’s Plan for the Nations.

2 'Southland of the Holy Spirit': Learn about the discovery of Australia - Early exploration: the Asians; Portugese and Spanish explorers; the Dutch explore the region; the British explore the Southern Seas; Captain James Cook.

3: Richard Johnson’s Australia: Learn about Australia from 1788 to the 1840s - The First Fleet; Convict Society; ‘Exclusives’ and Emancipists’; Signs of Progress; Church and School

4: New Colonies and Christian Governors - Bass & Flinders; The settlement of Van Dieman’s Land; Victoria – "Happy Australia"; The Queen’s Land; Northern and Western Australia; South Australia – The Christian State.

5: The Explorers: Learn about the early exploration of Australia - The Mystery of the Rivers; Into the Desert; Race to the North; The crossing of the West

6: The Gold Rush Era: Learn about the impact of the gold rushes upon the Australian colonies - The Quest for Riches; Changes in Government; Trouble on the Goldfields; Results in the Gold Rushes; Church and School.

7: Federation: Learn about how Australia became one nation - God means to give us this Federation; Australian Nationalism; First thoughts of Federation; The early stages of Federation; The later stages of Federation; The Australian Constitution.

8: Protestantism, Missions and Reform: Learn about the role of the churches in Australian society, from about 1890 to 1914 - A missionary nation; Challenges to the Conscience; Trade Unions and Labor; Moral Reform; Social Reform.

9: Trial By Fire: Learn about Australia's participation in the First World War - Australia in the World before 1914; Australia goes to war; Conscription?; The Home Front; The Middle East and the Western Front; The Impact of War.

10: Between the Wars: Learn about Australia in the 1920s and 1930s - Australia in the 1092s Part I & II; The Great Depression; Australia in the 1030s; Prelude to War.

11: Australia in the World Since 1939: Learn about Australia and its role in the world since 1939 - The Second World War; Australia in the 1040s and 50s; Threats from Asia; A Changing Nation; The New Millenium.

12: ‘Save the People’: Learn about the Australian Aboriginal since the coming of the European - The arrival of the Europeans; Life on the Frontier; Protectors and Reserves; Change of Policy; The Challenge of Equality; From Mission to Church.

Please note that when you purchase the Australian History PACE, it includes an information section with an Activity Pac (workbook) insert.  For subsequent children, you can reuse the information section and simply purchase additional Activity Pac's. 

New Zealand Social Studies 1085-1096

1085 Exploration of the Pacific/Antarctica; Pacific explorers; Antarctica land and climate; Antarctica wildlife; Antarctic exploration; living and working in Antarctica; the Antarctic Treaty

1086 Captain James Cook; the man; the first voyage; the second and third voyages and death

1087C Cook Islands; physical geography; life and society in the Cook Islands; history, government, economy and population

1087Z Samoa; Physical geography; Fa’a Samoa – the Samoan way of life; history, government, economy and population

1087V Vanuatu; physical geography; life and society in Vanuatu; history, government, economy and population

1087S Solomon Islands; physical geography; life and society in Solomon Islands; history, government, economy and population

1087T Tonga Islands; physical geography; life and society in Tonga Islands; history, government, economy and population

1088 Fiji; cultural interaction; the people of Fiji; Fiji and the Pacific; physical geography; the family; government; the economy; the church

1089 Australia; physical geography; history; people of Australia; the economy; Australia and New Zealand

1090 New Zealand and its Asian Neighbours; New Zealand and Asia; family life in a Japanese city; village life in India; change in China

1091 Government; the Constitution; the legislature; the executive; the judiciary; local  government

1092 Economic Studies; the history of the New Zealand economy; New Zealand economy today; income and budgeting; banks and savings; taxation; consumer protection; trade unions; technology and the future

1093 Physical geography; structure and relief; earth building processes; erosion and deposition; climate and weather; vegetation

1094 Population and urbanisation; population distribution; population growth; population composition; population social issues; urbanisation and urban challenges

1095 Primary industry; agriculture; fishing; forestry; mining

1096 Secondary and tertiary industry; processing industries; manufacturing industries; service industries

World Geography 1097-1108

World Geography 1097-1108

1097 The Beginning: The Creation and Fall; the Flood; the Postdiluvian Earth; seasons and climates.

1098 The Blue Planet: Earth - Man's home; the Hydrosphere; the Lithosphere; Earth's resources; Earth on paper; Map reading: latitude and longitude.

1099 Africa - Land of Contrasts: Northern Africa; Madagascar; Map reading: legends showing agricultural usage.

1100 Canada - the True North Strong and Free: Geographical regions; Atlantic Provinces; Canadian Shield Provinces; Prarie Provinces; Pacific Rim Province; the Far North; Map reading: Population density.

1101 The United States - From Sea to Shining Sea: Climate; Geographical Regions; Political Regions; Map reading: keys showing services.

1102 Latin America - A Vast and Varied Land Mexico: Central America; South America; The West Indies.

1103 The Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, and Antarctica - Lands of the Midnight Sun.

1104 Western Europe - Land of Castles and Kings: The British Isles; Scandinavia; The Baltic Nations; The Low Countries; Central Europe; The Alpine Nations; The Iberian Nations; The Mediterranean Nations.

1105 Eastern Europe and Northern Asia - Lands-Both Old and New: Eastern Europe-Russia, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Northern Asia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong; Christian Influence in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

1106 East and South Asia - Land of Mystery: Geographical and Political Divisions, Religions, and Cultural Divisions of Asia; East Asia; South Asia; Map reading: Weather.

1107 Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia - Water, Water Everywhere! Southeast Asia; South Pacific Islands; Australia; Map reading: North and South orientation.

1108 The Middle East - Lands of the Bible: Northern Tier Nations; Arabian Peninsula Nations; Fertile Crescent Nations; Map reading: Showing historical events, cultural differences.

World History 1109-1120

World History (1109-1120) Fourth Edition

This is a revised course replacing World History 97-108. Student who complete this course cannot receive credits for the previous World History 97-108 course.
1109 Ancient Civilizations: History and the Bible; Creation and the Fall of Man; The Flood; Tower of Babel. Four Rivers Civilization: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, China Product code: 408109

1110 Ancient Israel and Its Contemporaries: God’s Chosen People; Life in the Land of Promise; Neighboring Nations: Hittites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians, Phoenicians, Philistines. Product code: 408110

1111 Ancient Greece: the land, Ancient Civilizations: Minoans, Mycenaeans, Dorians. The Greek Dark Ages. Archaic Age: Emerging Culture; Athens, Sparta, Persian Wars. Golden Age: Persian Wars, Delian League, Civil Wars, Philip of Macedon, Alexander the great. Hellenistic Age: Greek Contributions to: History, Science, Mathematics, Literature, The Arts, Architecture, Religion, and Philosophy. Product code: 408111

1112 Italy and the Roman Empire: The roman Republic: foundation, growth, conquest, conflict, expansion, reforms, Civil Wars. The Roman Empire and the New Testament Era: the army, daily life, trade, Emperors, the Life of Christ, the early church, decline and fall, Contributions. Product code: 408112

1113 Eastern Empires and Civilizations: Byzantine Empire: Early history, foreign invaders, expansion, culture, the church. Arab Muslim Empire: Islamic prophets, beliefs, Biblical truths, expansion, contributions. African Civilizations: North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa. Russian Civilization: Early history, Kievan Rus, Mongol rule. Chinese Civilization: early history, imperial dynasties. Japanese Civilization: Chinese influence, military rule.  Product code: 408113

1114 Middle Ages and Renaissance: daily life, feudal relationships, knighthood, manorialism. The Church: the Catholic Church, the free church. Rise of European Monarchies: Holy Roman Empire, Western Europe, Crusades. Late Middle Ages: expansion of trade, growth of towns, Black Death. European Nation-States: Hundred Years’ War, Wars of the roses, Reconquista. Renaissance: characteristics, influence, significance.  Product code: 408114

1115 Reformation and Age of Expansion: Pre-Reformers, Germany, Switzerland, England, Scotland, France, The Netherlands. The Counter-Reformation: Jesuits, Inquisition, Council of Trent, Thirty Years’ War. Age of Exploration: early explorers, discovery of the Americas, Amerind Civilizations, Exploration of the Americas.  Product code: 408115

1116 Early Modern period: Absolutism in Europe: France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, England. Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment: Scientific Advancements, New Philosophies, Spiritual Awakenings. Colonization and Growth: Colonization of North America, Great Awakening, Independence from England. Unrest in France: Old Regime, French Revolution, Napoleonic Era. Product code: 408116

1117 Industrialization and Expansion: contributing factors, the industrial Revolution, agricultural Revolution, natural resources, capital, work force. Industrial Revolution: in Great Britain, early factory workers, transportation, in America, scientific progress. Time of Transition: new systems of thought, the balance of power, reform, revival. Worldwide Revolutions. Worldwide Expansion: Great Britain, United States, Africa, Asia, Missions.  Product code: 408117

1118 World at War: causes, technology, course of the war, impact, Paris Peace Conference. Interwar Period: League of Nations, culture changes, democracies in turmoil, nationalism in India and Southwest Asia, Communism in Russia, Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany. World War II: Causes, course, impact.  Product code: 408118

1119 Post War Period: the plan, Cold War, North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Communist Bloc, Middle East, Africa, East and Southeast Asia, spread of the Gospel.  Product code: 408119

1120 Growth of Globalism: developments, North America, Latin America, Europe, The Middle East, Africa, Australia and East Asia.  Product code: 408120

World History Projects 1109-1120

World History Projects (1109-1120) Fourth Edition

This course must be done in conjunction with World History PACEs 1109-1120.
This is an extension for World History and has been updated for the World History PACEs 1109-1120. Students may complete this extension while working through the World History PACEs, or do the projects once the World History course has been completed.
It is a single PACE purchase and includes a marking guide. Product code 003997
1109 Create a timeline from creation until the Tower of Babel. Write reports.
1110 Create a map of the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness from Egypt to the Promised Land. Use map-making conventions.
1111 Create a poster (electronic or physical) showing that the people of ancient Greece were or were not a great civilisation. Decide on a working definition. Make a list of examples of what makes a great civilisation. Evaluate theories regarding the Red Sea crossing.
1112 Write a descriptive essay on what the world was like during the first 500 years A.D. Research using various sources. Include a bibliography.
1113 Prepare a map that shows the spread of the Byzantine Empire with the spread of Islamic people at about AD500 and AD1000. Use mapping conventions. Write a report on how these changes came about.


Economics (1139-1144 are fourth edition. 133, 134, 140 and 143 are third edition) 

Please know that you can complete the Economics short course for 1 credit by completing 1139-1144.

1 (1139) Biblical foundation of economics; Capitalism and Socialism; Economics theories of Adam Smith and Karl Marx; Macroeconomics & the Keynesian theory

2 (1140) Microeconomics and Price Theory: Basic Elements of Price Theory; Price Mechanism; Practical Application; Summary; Scriptural Application

3 (1141) What? How? Who? - Factors of Production; Costs; Output and Profit in a Perfectly Competitive Market; Output and Profit in a Noncompetitive Market; Summary; Scriptural Application

4 (1142) Free Enterprise and You: the Free-Enterprise System; Business Organisation; Management; Labour; Investment; Scriptural Application

5 (1143) How Much for a Big Mac? - International Trade; International Finance; Money and Financial Institutions; Managing Financial Assets; Scriptural Application

6 (1144) Who Gets the Credit (or Blame)? - The Federal Reserve System; Fiscal Policy; Personal Economics; Scriptural Application

133 The Late Middle Ages: The increase of trade, the use of money, the rise of towns, the advent of nation-states, the age of exploration; The Classical Economists: Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill

134 Meaning, relationship to other disciplines, Economic Systems; Early Economic Thought: the Bible, the Classical Philosophers, the Church Fathers, the Medieval Philosophers, the Reformers

140 The Industrial Revolution; Nineteenth-Century American Enterprise: Colonial and early American Business, America at mid-century, late nineteenth century American business; the Twentieth Century: the rise of corporations, the zenith of technology, the growth of government

143 General Principles: definition, property, profit, equality, Utopia, calculation; Types: Marxism, Fascism, Democratic Socialism

History of Civilization I

History of Civilization I 1-10

1 Introduction: Definition of history; tasks of the historian; tools of history; Christian view of history

2 The Ancient Near East: Emergence of civilization; Mesopotamia; Egypt; Palestine

3 Greece: Background; Persian wars; Golden Age; Hellenistic Age; Achievements

4 Rome: the Republic; the Roman Empire; the Culture

5 The Rise of Christian Europe: the Germanic Barbarians; the development and expansion of Christianity; the Byzantine Empire; the Impact of Islam

6 The Franks and Charlemagne; the Feudal System; the Feudal Monarchy

7 The High Middle Ages: Economic and Religious Revival; the Crusades; Medieval Culture; Political History; the Decline

8 The Renaissance: the Black Death and its effects; Political Transformations; the Decline of the Papacy; the Development of Capitalism; the Renaissance in Italy; the Renaissance in Northern Europe

9 The Reformation: Background of the Reformation; Martin Luther and the German Reformation; Zwingli, Calvin and the Swiss Reformation; Henry VIII and the English Reformation; Other Reformation Movements

10 The New Science: the Definition and Meaning of Science; the Background of the New Science; the New Science begins with a New Cosmology; the New Science and the Modern Mind

History of Civilization II

History of Civilization II 11-20

11 The Age of Absolutism: Forces at Work; Wars and their Results; European States; Intellectual and Religious Life

12 The Enlightenment: Early Philosophies; Philosophes' Reform Programs; Leading Philosophes; Enlightened Despots

13 The French Revolution and Napoleon: the Causes of the Revolution; the Early Revolution; the First French Republic; the Era of Napoleon

14 The Industrial Revolution: Background; Advances; Economic and Social Results; Intellectual Responses

15 The Search for Stability, 1800-1852: The Romantic Movement; the Congress of Vienna; the European Revolutions

16 Nationalism, Democracy and Imperialism, 1848-1914: The Ascendancy of Nationalism; the Growth of Democracy; the Impact of Imperialism

17 The First World War: Significance of the First World War; Preparation for the First World War; Outbreak of the First World War; the Peace Settlement

18 Troubled Peace, 1919-1939: The United States between two World Wars; the Rise of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany; Failure of International Peace Movements

19 The Second World War: The Beginning of the Second World War; the Course of the Second World War; the Search for Peace

20 The Contemporary World: Contemporary Man in a Changing World; International Political Relationships; the Modern State of Israel

Collectivism 133-138

Collectivism 133-138 (Third Editon)

133 Origins of Collectivism: The Fall of Satan; the Fall of Man; the Tower of Babel and the World System. Classical and neo-classical Utopians: Plato, Sir Thomas More, Voltaire, Rousseau, Saint-Simon, Fourier

134 Continental, English and American Socialist movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.

135 Ancient Greek and Roman Communism; The First Modern Communists: Three French Revolutions (1789, 1848, 1871); Interlude: A History of Three Revivals

136 Philosophical and subversive precursors to modern Marxist Communism; the lives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; Marxism.

137 The Decline of the House of Romanov and the 1905 Russian Revolution; The Fall of the House of Romanov and the 1917 Russian Revolutions; The Chinese Revolutions

138 The philosophical precursors to modern fascism; Fascist movements in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Argentina; Naziism in the German Third Reich.

Christian World View 1-12

Christian World View 1-12

This course follows the text and study guide by Charles Colson, How Now Shall We Live?

1 Biblical Worldview, meanings of different philosophies, the importance of Scripture in a Biblical worldview.

2 The danger of Darwinism, naturalists and evolution, pre-evangelism, the place of science in the Biblical worldview.

3 The value of human life, the naturalistic "culture of death", abortion, God's purpose for mankind, eternal hope, "created in God's image.

4 The influence of worldly philosophers, Biblical worldview of sin, the world's denial of sin and its consequences, the Fall of man, concept of original sin and its effect on humanity.

5 Suffering and evil - a Biblical response, right vs wrong.

6 Redemption, God's plan vs the world's foolishness, false gods, materialism, Marxism vs Christianity, freedom in Christ vs the world's liberation.

7 Role of true science, salvation and hope in God, The New Age view of "God", true redemption in Christ.

8 Restoring the lost, building Christian culture, true Christian living, Christian unity, God's training ground - the family.

9 The failure of modern public education, necessity of Christian Education, the concept of community from a Biblical worldview.

10 Law vs Conscience (God's spirit in action), Christian view of work, integrity, public life and private life - the same person.

11 The basis for true science, Christian worldview of music, art and literature.

12 How Now Shall We Live? With courage and boldness to live out our faith in every walk of life.

Senior Modern History I

Senior Modern History I 1-10

This course looks at source material and how to interpret it to build a picture of history. As well at texts and activity books, students are required to use "supplementary folders" containing source material (one for every two units) - see catalogue.

There are various research assignments to be completed throughout the course.

1 Introduction to Modern History; making a timeline; primary and secondary sources;  a brief look at the three revolutions of the late eighteenth century.

2 Nineteenth Century Nationalism and Internationalism - the European States System, nationalism, the unification of Italy and Germany, and the ‘Eastern Question’.

3 The roots of World War One; Economic and Imperial rivalry; Alliances and Plans; Militarism and Public Opinion; International Crises 1905-1913; the Pursuit of Peace; the Final Crisis; Who was Responsible?

4 The First World: 1914 - From Movement to Stalemate; 1915 - Anzacs at Gallipoli; Life in the Trenches; the War Runs its Course; 1918 - the Final Push; the Cost of War

5 Impact of the First World War: Recruitment and Conscription; Mobilising for War; the Impact of War on the Civilians; the German Revolution; the Propaganda Machine; Women Facing Change; War - Gains and Losses

6 The Russian Revolution: Russia at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century; the 1905 Revolution; Russia 1906-1914; War and Revolution 1914-1917; the Provisional Government; Prelude to November; the November Revolution; Historiography of the Russian Revolution

7 International relations 1918-1945: the World at Peace; Crisis and Confidence in the 1920s; Preconditions for War; Hitler's Road to War; War in Europe and Africa; War in the East; the End in Sight; Results of the War

8 Fascism and Nazism: Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism; Adolf Hitler and German Nazism; the Rise and Fall of the Weimar Republic; Germany under Nazi Rule; Opposition to Hitler; the Nazi Economy and the Jews; Fascism and Nazism - a Post-Mortem

9 The Cold War: Origins of the Cold War 1917-1947; the Western Response; the Asian Dilemma; the Krushchev Era; from 'Peaceful Coexistence' to 'Détente'; the Nuclear Arms Race; a New Cold War; the Iron Curtain Rises

10 The United Nations and the 'New World Order': the Collapse of Communism; the Third Russian Revolution; Internationalism and the United Nations; the Role of the United Nations; the United Nations Today; Other Examples of Internationalism; the Last Page of History

Senior Modern History II

Senior Modern History II 11-20

This course looks at source material and how to interpret it to build a picture of history. As well at texts and activity books, students are required to use "supplementary folders" containing source material (one for every two units) - see catalogue.

There are various research assignments to be completed throughout the course.

Two separate courses comprise Senior Modern History II, either of which may be studied for credit: Asian Studies (11-15), and Australian Studies (16-20).

11 China - Tradition and Change to 1911: Traditional Society; China and the West; the Taiping Rebellion; a 'New' Imperialism; Reform and Reaction; the Boxer Rebellion; the Fall of the Dynasty; the Revolution - an Assessment

12 Revolution in China, 1911 - 1949: Crisis in the Republic; the Birth of Chinese Communism; Nationalists and Communists in the 1930s; Japan Invades China; the Civil War; the Founding of the People's Republic; Why the Communists Won; Chinese Histriography

13 China since 1949: the birth of the People's Republic; the great leap forward; the Sino-Soviet split; the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution; China after Mao; the Fifth Modernisation; the Church in China; China in the 1990s.

14 The Vietnam Tragedy, Part I - Vietnam: Land and People; the French arrive; French colonial rule; nationalist movements; World War II; the first Indochina War; the Geneva Convention.

15 The Vietnam Tragedy, Part II - America and the Diem Regime, 1954-63; North Vietnam; America's War to 1968; the Soldier's War; America's war to 1975; the Home Front; historiograhpy of the war; Vietnam since 1975; the Church in Vietnam.

16 The Colonial Experience in New South Wales to 1850 - The First Settlers; the convict system; the early governors; a developing economy; 'Exclusives' and 'Emancipists'; the pastoal ascendancy; constitutional development; Church and school.

17 The Australian Gold Rushes - Gold in New South Wales and Victoria; constitutional changes in the 1850s; tensions on the goldfields; results of the Gold Rushes; the era of Land Reform; the Labour Movement; Church and school; the Australian Legend.

18 Australia in the World to 1941 - Australia and the Empire; Federation; Boer War to World War; the Great War; Foreign Polidy in the interwar years; the Great Depression; World War Two.

19 Australia in the World since 1941 - World War Two: Changing partners; the Home Front; a new reality; Indonesia; the Vietnam War; from Whitlam to Keating; Trade and Aid; towards the Twenty-First Century.

20 Race Relations in Australia - The 'Old Australians'; the arrival of the Europeans; Save the People; Protectors and Reserves; White Australia; a change of policy; the 'New Australian'; the challence of Equality; race relations today.

American History 1121-1132

1121 The Age of Discovery and Exploration

  1. Discovery – Trans – Siberian Migration; Pre – Viking Voyages; Vikings; Post – Viking Voyages; Christopher Columbus
  2. Exploration – The Naming of America; Spain and Portugal; France
  3. Non – Anglo Colonization – The Spaniards and Portuguese; The French; The Dutch; The Swedes and Finns

1122 Colonial Period

  1. Exploration and Beginning – John and Sebastian Cabot; The Elizabethan Sea Dogs; Other Colonial Attempts; Jamestown
  2. Colonization – Plymouth; Massachusetts Bay Colony; Connecticut; Rhode Island; Pennsylvania; Maryland; Georgia
  3. III. French and Indian War – The Prelude; The War; The Acadian Exile

1123 The War for Independence

To recite a portion of Patrick Henry’s speech

  1. Religious Background – Prologue to the Awakening; The Great Awakening
  2. Philosophical Background – The Enlightenment; John Locke; The Physiocrats; Adam Smith Political Background – Foundational Grievances;
  3. British legislation; Colonial Reaction
  4. The War for Independence – The Opening Conflicts: 1775 – 1776; The Middle Years: 1776 – 1778; The Final Campaigns: 1778 – 1781

1124 The Emerging Nation

  1. The Articles of Confederation – The Background of the Articles of Confederation; Government Under the Articles of Confederation; Movement to Revise the Articles of Confederation; Achievements Under the Articles of Confederation
  2. The United States Constitution – The Constitutional Convention; The Work of the Constitutional Convention; Fundamental Principles of the Constitution; The Struggle for Ratification; The Federalist Papers
  3. The Federalist Era – Launching the New Nation; The Rise of Political Parties; The Nation’s First Diplomatic Challenges; Decline of Federalist Power
  4. The Jeffersonian Era – Jefferson’s Administration; Christian Awakenings

1125 Rising Sectionalism

To recite all four verses of The Star – Spangled Banner

  1. Expressions of Nationalism – War of 1812; Era of Mixed Feelings; Adams’ Administration
  2. The Jacksonian Age – Jackson’s First Administration; Jackson’s Second Administration; Van Buren’s Administration
  3. Prelude to the War Between the States – Manifest Destiny; Expansion of Slavery

1126 The War Between the States and Reconstruction

To memorize and recite Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

  1. Southern Ascendancy (1861 – 1863) – Beginnings of the War; Southern Offensive
  2. Northern Ascendancy (1863 – 1865) – Turning Point; Final Decline
  3. Reconstruction (1865 – 1875) – Congressional Reconstruction; The New South

1127 Westward Expansion

  1. The Moving Frontier (1700 – 1850) – Trans – Appalachian and Trans – Mississippi Exploration; Mountain Men; Texas and the Far West
  2. The Final Frontier (1850 – 1890) – Gold Fever and Lawlessness; Cattlemen and Farmers; Transportation and Communication; Indians and White Men; Witness of God

1128 Invention and Industry

To recite from memory the excerpt from evangelist Billy Sunday’s testimony

  1. Events Leading up to American Industrial Greatness – Laissez – Faire Economics; English Bible; Protestant Reformation; Protestant Ethic
  2. Products of American Industrial Greatness – Pre – Columbian Industry; Growth of Industry; American Inventions and Discoveries
  3. Profits of American Industrial Greatness – Some Christian Businesspeople; American Revivals and Evangelists

1129 Age of Reform

To recite from memory Emma Lazarus’ poem “The New Colossus”

  1. Immigration – European Immigration; Black Immigration; Non – European Immigration; Jewish Immigration; Ethnic Origins of Some Celebrated Americans
  2. Urban Problems – Urban Growth; Rise of Unions; Major Labour Disturbances
  3. Rural Unrest – Farmers’ Problems; Greenback and Silver Issues; Free Silverites; Populist Party

1130 The Turn of the Century 1890 – 1914

  1. Religious Liberalism – Liberal Trends; Fundamental Response; Social Gospel Movement
  2. Territorial Expansionism – Background to the Spanish – American War; Spanish – American War; Aftermath of the Spanish – American War
  3. Domestic Progressivism – Children of the Populists; Theodore Roosevelt; Election of 1912; The Fateful Year: 1913

1131 Two World Wars

  1. World War I – Eve of the War; Europe Goes to War; United States Enters the War
  2. Interwar Period – Paris Peace Conference; “Roaring Twenties”; Great Depression
  3. World War II – Failure of the Peace; Rise of the Fascist Dictatorships; Beginnings of the War; American Entry into the War

1132 The Post – World War II Period

  1. International Arena During the Cold War – Organization of the United Nations; A World Divided; Defending Freedom in Europe; Korean Conflict; Communist Infiltration in the United States; Cuban Crises; Vietnam War
  2. Domestic Scene – Space Exploration; Civil Rights Movement; Political Turmoil
  3. Reform and Respectability – Renewal of Hope; End of the Cold War; Operation Desert Storm
  4. One Century Ends, Another Begins – Political Events; Foreign Military Operations; Twenty – First Century
US Civics 1133-1138

US CIVICS 1133 – 11388

1133 Biblical, Greek, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon Governments; Types of church government; Reasons for and the results of the Reformation; Influence of the Enlightenment on today’s culture; Roots and development of a free- enterprise economy

1134 Historical, social and economic conditions that led to the Declaration of Independence; American government that existed under the Articles of Confederation; Why and how the Constitution was ratified; Colonial and modern meanings of “separation of church and state”; The Federalist

1135 Origins, structures, functions, and limitations of state and local governments; Origins, structures, functions and limitations of the federal legislature; Reasons for and methods of lobbying

1136 Structure and functions of the national executive and judiciary; Process of electing a President of the United States; Path of a case before the U.S. Supreme Court

1137 How the Constitution has been changed to meet new circumstances; How amendments are made to the Constitution; Relationship between the federal and state Governments; Privileges and responsibilities of citizenship

1138 Personal participation in the political process; Organization and function of political parties; US foreign policy; Purpose and organization of the United Nations

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