Science Scope and Sequence

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Please note: There is additional information on the Science PACE's in the Ordering: Notes by Subject (Science) page in the Member's Area.  It provides a helpful list for ordering of the PACE's in each Level and their relevant Score Keys. There are also links to informative videos explaining some of the subjects as well as if there are any additional items to purchase.


Primary and secondary pre-credit level PACEs

Secondary credit level PACEs

Science 1001-1012

1001 - 1012

1001 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about what God did on day one, and light and dark.

1002 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about what God did on day two and three, sky and clouds, air and wind.

1003 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about what God did on day three, land and water, rivers, lakes and oceans, dirt and plants.

1004 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about what God made on day four and about the four seasons.

1005 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about God's world and what God made on day four.

1006 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about God's world and about the earth.

1007 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about what God made on day five and about birds and fish.

1008 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about what God what made on day six and about animals and man.

1009 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about Adam and Eve and what God did on day seven.

1010 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about our eyes and about things close and far away.

1011 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about our ears and about sounds.

1012 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about keeping rules and keeping well, clean and neat.

Science 1013-1024

1013 - 1024

1013 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about God making the world, about the sky and water.

1014 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about plants that grow in the dirt and in the water; learn about a seed making a plant.

1015 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about the sun, moon and stars.

1016 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about seasons, weather, evergreen trees.

1017 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about fish.

1018 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about birds.

1019 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about elephants and mammals.

1020 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about insects and spiders.

1021 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about snakes, turtles and reptiles.

1022 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about the first man and woman.

1023 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about seeing, hearing and smelling.

1024 To learn new words, read stories and answer questions about the sense of taste, our skin and blood.

Science 1025-1036

1025 - 1036

1025 Learn about day, night and the sky; learn about land, water and air.

1026 Learn about plants and their seeds; learn about some animals.

1027 Learn about the sun, moon and stars; learn about tides; learn about telescopes, astronauts and scientists.

1028 Learn more about the sun, moon and stars, and the earth; learn about shadows.

1029 Learn about the little and big animals of the sea; learn about salmon.

1030 Learn about birds: bones, feathers, moulting, beaks, perching, nesting and songs; learn about some birds: owls and penguins.

1031 about some mammals: platypus, anteater, flying squirrel, opossum, woodchuck, bear, kangaroo, bat.

1032 Learn about some amphibians and reptiles: turtle, snake, lizard, frogs and tadpoles, salamander.

1033 Learn about caterpillars and butterflies.

1034 Learn about Noah and the Flood.

1035 Learn about changes the Flood made on the earth; learn about different kinds of rocks.

1036 Learn about time; learn ways to tell time: analogue clock, days of the week, months.

Science 1037-1048

1037 - 1048

1037 Learn about a potter and his work; learn about matter: liquid, solid, gas; learn about living and nonliving things.

1038 Learn about the sky and air.

1039 Learn about model rockets; learn about gravity.

1040 Learn about water: characteristics of water, plants and water, animals and water, people and water; learn about digestion, saliva and teeth.

1041 Learn about the water cycle: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation; learn about rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, dew and clouds; learn about different cloud types: cirrus, cumulus and stratus.

1042 Learn about minerals: Uses of minerals, Minerals in soil and water, Metals, ores and gemstones, Precious gems in the Bible.

1043 Learn about the needs of plants; learn about different kinds of gardens; learn about some unusual plants.

1044 Learn about microorganisms; learn about our skin; learn how to care for our hair.

1045 Learn about pumps and pipes; learn about air in the body; learn about the heart as a pump in the body; learn about blood vessels as pipes in the body.

1046 Learn about simple machines: inclined planes, levers, wheels.

1047 Learn how to measure length, weight, temperature and time.

1048 Learn about famous scientists: Galileo, Redi, Pasteur, Maury, Linnaeus, Newton, Boyle.

Science 1049-1060

1049 - 1060

1049 Learn about living matter and nonliving matter; learn about molecules, atoms and elements.

1050 Learn about energy and work: Machines help us do work; force is needed to do work; friction is a resisting force; gravity pulls on all objects; centrifugal force resists gravity; learn about conservation of energy; moving objects have Kinetic energy; stored energy is Potential energy.

1051 Learn about heat: we feel heat; we can measure heat; heat causes matter to expand, while cold causes matter to contract; thermometers are used to measure temperature; learn about Fahrenheit and Celsius scales; very hot temperatures are measured with pyrometers; temperature is determined by the speed of molecules; heat travels between objects.

1052 Learn about volcanoes and earthquakes: Paricutin; the earth's layers; Katmai; the Ring of Fire; earthquakes; the modified Mercalli Scale; the Richter Scale; what to do in an earthquake.

1053 Learn about oceanography: The ocean floor; oceanographers and their tools; exploring the oceans; life in the sea.

1054 Learn about astronomy: Comets - Halley's Comet, the structure of a comet; the Solar System - the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Aurora Borealis.

1055 Learn more about astronomy: The outer planets; telescopes; meteors; constellations.

1056 Learn about honeybees: Why do bees sting; how do scout bees find nectar; how long do bees live; why do we keep bees; what kinds of bees are in a hive; what are the functions of worker bees; how do bees use their wings; do bees have enemies; are bees mentioned in the Bible?

1057 Learn about fossils: Types of fossils, how and where fossils are formed; learn about dinosaurs: horned, plated, duck-billed, tyrannosaurus, plant-eaters.

1058 Learn about sound: sound; hearing; hearing difficulties; music.

1059 Learn about aerodynamics and aviation: learn about the controls of an aeroplane; learn about the main parts of an aeroplane; learn about four forces which act upon an aeroplane; learn about some famous aeroplane flights.

1060 Learn about the Bible and science: God's Word says much about God's world; science is the study of God's world; God's word is the final authority on God's world.

Science 1061-1072

1061 - 1072

1061 Lear about Acids and Bases: Forms and uses, characteristics; learn about the pH scale; learn about safety with acids and bases.

1062 Learn about the elements, atoms, mixtures, solutions, compounds, chemical reactions.

1063 Learn about the structure of the Earth: the Core, Mantle, Moho, crust; learn about the make-up of the Earth's Crust: kinds of rocks in the Earth's Crust, minerals in the Earth's Crust; Learn about changes in the Earth's Crust: weathering, erosion, earthquakes.

1064 Learn about Botany: Lower plants - bacteria, algae, ferns and mosses; Higher plants - leaves, stems, roots, flowers; learn about photosynthesis.

1065 Learn about Light: Nature of light, causes, kinds, behaviour; what light does; how light is measured; speed of light.

1066 Learn about Magnets: discovery of magnets; varieties of magnets; property of magnets; magnetic fields; theories of magnetism; uses of magnets; Earth as a magnet.

1067 Learn about Electricity: History of electricity; nature of electricity; static electricity; current electricity.

1068 Learn about Current Electricity: Directing current electricity; types of current electricity; using current electricity; sources of current electricity; measuring current electricity; safety with current electricity.

1069 Learn about the Nervous System and the Senses: the Central Nervous System; the Peripheral Nervous System; the Senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing.

1070 Learn about the Skeletal System: Joints, bones, connectors (cartilage and ligaments), division of the skeletal system; learn about the Muscular System: Muscle function, muscle structure, muscle attachments (tendons).

1071 Learn about Digestion: Organs of ingestion, organs of digestion; learn about Nutrition: Metabolism, nutrients, helpers in metabolism, foods lacking nutrition.

1072 Learn about Disease: God's laws concerning disease; germ theory of disease; infectious diseases and pathogens; noninfectious diseases; defense against diseases; treatment of diseases.

Science 1073-1084

1073 - 1084

1073 Learn about Life Science: Creation of Living Things; Study of Living Things - the Scientific Method; Characteristics of Living Things; Kingdoms of Living Things.

1074 Learn about Simple Plants: Viruses; Bacteria; Algae; Fungi; Mosses.

1075 Learn about Complex Plants: Characteristics of complex plants; life cycle of complex plants; needs of complex plants; types of complex plants.

1076 Learn about Animals Without Backbones: Classifying animals; one-celled invertebrates; simple invertebrates; complex invertebrates; study and collect information about an invertebrate.

1077 Learn about Animals With Backbones: Characteristics of vertebrates; body structures of vertebrates; behaviour of vertebrates; cold-blooded vertebrates (jawless fish, cartilage fish, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles).

1078 Learn about Warm-Blooded Vertebrates and Man: Characteristics of birds; characteristics of mammals; types of mammals; Man.

1079 Learn about Inheritance: Embryos (fertilized cell, development, cell division, cell code); inherited traits; gene functions (crossbreeding peas, blood types, sex of children, marriage between families, inherited traits, breeding for choice).

1080 Learn about the Skeletal System: Skeletal structure and function; skeletal form; skeletal division.

1081 Learn about the Muscular System: Functions of the muscular system, head and face muscles, muscle structure, muscle tissue, nerve control of muscles; learn about the Circulatory System: the blood, blood vessels, the heart.

1082 Learn about the Relationships of Living Things and Their Environment (Ecology): the Study of Ecology; the Balance of Nature.

1083 Learn about Organisms and Their Environments: Tundra; Taiga (evergreen forest); Deciduous Forest; Grassland; Desert; Tropical Rain Forest; Marine Environment.

1084 Learn about Pollution and Energy Resources: Air pollution; water pollution; energy resources.

Earth Science 1085-1096

Earth Science 1085-1096 (Fourth Edition)

1085 Earth and its neighbours - Earth as our inheritance: purpose of Earth's creation, divisions of earth science; relation of earth science to other sciences; Earth in space: motion and size of Earth; Planets of our solar system: location, motion and surface features of the planets; Sun's effect on earth: gravity, energy, light and surface features of the sun; Relationship of Earth and its moon: eclipses of the sun and moon, phases and positions of the moon.

1086 The Foundations of the world - Layers of our Earth: crust, mantle and core; Types of rocks in the crust: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic; Topography of the crust: land masses and water formations.

1087 The Blue planet - Structure of the hydrosphere: hydrologic cyle, areas of the hydrosphere, types of waters in the hydrosphere; Oceanography: ocean depth, floor topography, layers, waves, currents, tides and resources.

1088 The Atmosphere - The atmosphere's make-up: a mixture, clouds, layers; the atmosphere's measurable qualities: temperature, humidity, pressure.

1089 Meteorology: the Study of Weather - Weather factors: air movement systems, temperature, moisture, pressure; Weather forecasting: air masses, storms, instruments; Climates: causes, varieties, source.

1090 Earthquakes - Causes of earthquakes: semisolid matter, geological faults, energy build-up; Measurement of earthquakes: life and property losses, numerical scales, instruments; Results of earthquakes: destruction and disruption, tsunamis, volcanoes.

1091 The World at Your Fingertips - Topography of the world: continents, mountain ranges, islands, plains and deserts; Mapping the world: cartography rules, maps, time zones, globes.

1092 Buried Treasure - Understanding mineral resources: location and abundance, tests (colour, lustre, structure, cleavage, streak, specific gravity, hardness and reaction to acids); Classifying mineral resources: mineral qualifications, mineral families, mineral groups; Using mineral resources: uses, mining, processes; Appreciating mineral resources.

1093 Wonders of Creation - Cycles of Creation: Circadian rhythm, tides, seasons, climates, constellations, time; Resources of Creation: life-sustaining resources, fuel resources.

1094 The Changing Face of Earth - Weathering and erosion: physical and chemical weathering; Soil formation: soil profile, soil types, soil fertility; Soil conservation; Mass soil movements; Glaciers: glacial formations, glacial deposits.

1095 Earth in Space - The stars: distance, colour and termperature, magnitude and size, lists and locations, special types; Telescopes: refracting, reflecting and radio telescopes; Galaxies; Stars' purposes.

1096 In the Beginning: God - Creation proofs: proofs from scientific laws, astronomy, geology and biology; Flood proofs: proofs from Noah's Ark, from the fossil record, from archaeology, geology and hydrology, from population, linguistics and history.

Biology 1097-1108

Biology 1097-1108 (Fourth Edition)

1097 Birds: Feathers; Major body structures; Body systems and functions; Groups (types)

1098 Mammals: Characteristics; Body systems; Migration and hibernation; Types; Importance

1099 Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles: Fish: characteristics, types; Amphibians: common characteristics, types; Reptiles: Common characteristics, types, dinosaurs; Scientific proof for Creation of fish, amphibians, and reptiles

1100 Sponges, Coelenterates, Mollusks, and Echinoderms: Sponges: characteristics, body structures and functions, reproduction; Coelenterates: characteristics, body structures and functions, reproduction; Echinoderms: body structures and functions, types, characteristics and life processes; Scientific proof for Creation of invertebrates

1101 Worms and Arthropods: Segmented worms; Earthworms; Marine worms; Leeches; Flatworms; Marine worms; Leeches; Flatworms; Planarians; Tapeworms; Flukes; Roundworms; Arthropods ; Spiders; Other arachnids; Crustaceans; Centipedes and millipedes; Insects

1102 Plants: Characteristics; Binomial nomenclature classification; Vascular plants; Leaves; Stems and roots; Flowers; Reproduction; Nonvascular plants

1103 Microorganisms: Protists; Algae; Protozoa; Fungi; Microscope; Cell theory; Plant cells; Animal cells; Bacteria and viruses

1104 Man: Skin, skeleton, and muscles: Integumentary system; Function; Layers of skin; Structures; Skeleton; Function; Major bones; Structure of bones; Types of joints; Muscles; Types and functions; Action

1105 Man: Nerves, circulation, and respiration: Nerves; Organs of central nervous system; The brain; Neurons; Sensory organs; Drugs; Circulation; Heart; Veins, arteries, capillaries; Blood; Red and white blood cells and platelets; Blood types; Organs; Phases

1106 Man: Nutrition and growth: Digestive system; Nutrients; Sugars; Vitamins; Food groups; Sweat glands and kidneys; Exocrine and endocrine glands

1107 Man: Reproduction, genetics, and embryology: Reproduction; Steps of mitosis; Difference between mitosis and meiosis; Reproduction; Abortion; Genetics; Inheritance of physical traits; Applied genetics; Refuting mutations as a basis for theory of evolution; Embryology

1108 Ecology and Conservation: Earth's pre-Flood environment; Major biomes of Earth; Ecological succession; Biotic and abiotic factors; Modern environmental problems; Pollution; Endangered species

Physical Science 1109-1120

Physical Science PACEs 1109 – 1120 (Fourth Edition) Prerequisite: Algebra 1

Please do not order Introduction to Physical Science (1-10) which is another course on the SCEE Webstore!

1109 Foundations of Physical Science: Definition and limitations of science; science and Scripture; The scientific method; Scientific measurement; Fundamental and derived units; conversion; powers of ten notation, scientific notation, significant figures

1110 The Composition of Matter: Introduction; Two views of chemistry; chemistry and you; phases and classification of matter; Homogeneous substances; Elements; compound, solutions; Heterogeneous substances; Mixtures; colloids, atomic models and structure

1111 Gas Laws: Nature of gases; Air and atmospheric pressure; properties of gases, kinetic theory of gases; pressure and density of gases; Gas laws; Boyle's law; Charles' law; Gay-Lussac's law; combined gas law; Focus on Robert Boyle

1112 The Chemical Structure of Matter: Formation of chemical compounds; Bonding; electron structure; valence, ionic charges, and radicals; chemical formulas and equations; chemical reactions; acids and bases; conservation of matter and definite proportions.; Structural design; Elemental periods and families

1113 Metals and Metalloids: Chemical and physical properties of metals; Alkali metals; Lithium; sodium; potassium; rubidium and cesium; francium; Alkaline earth metals; Beryllium; magnesium; calcium; strontium; barium; and radium; Transition metals; Aluminum and the metalloids; Chemical and physical metallurgy

1114 Nonmetallic Elements: Water and its elements; Physical and chemical properties of water; reactions with water; hydrogen; oxygen; Group VA elements; Nitrogen; phosphorus; Group VIA elements; Selenium, sulfur; Halogens; Rare gases

1115 Organic Chemistry: Carbon and its compounds; Diamond; graphite; amorphous carbon; Organic compounds; Hydrocarbons; alcohols; aldehydes; carboxylic acids; Biochemical compounds; Carbohydrates; lipids, amino acids and proteins

1116 Laws of Motion and Gravitation: Laws of motion; First, second, and third laws of motion; momentum; Gravity; Law of universal gravitation; universal gravitational constant relationship of mass and weight; focus on Isaac Newton; Energy; Energy; work; power; forms; transformation, and conservation of energy; Simple machines and mechanical advantage

1117 Sound: Wave motion; Properties of wave motion; reflection; refraction; diffraction; interference; Sound waves; Nature and speed of sound; pitch; intensity; reflection; refraction, and diffraction of sound waves; interference and beats; resonance; Doppler effect

1118 Light: Optics, and the Electromagnetic Spectrum; Light; Nature of light; visible spectrum; velocity of light; Optics; Reflection; mirrors; refraction; lenses; polarization; Electromagnetic spectrum; Magnetism; Force of magnetism; magnetic substances, domains, and fields

1119 Electricity: Electrostatics; Current electricity; Electric circuits; Electronics and computers

1120 Modern Physics: Nuclear radiation; Radioactive decay; Fission and fusion reactions; Physics of the 21st century; Space exploration

Chemistry 1121-1132

Chemistry 1121-1132 (Fourth Edition)

1121 An Introduction to Chemistry - The Science of Chemistry; Measurements in Chemistry; the History of Chemistry.

1122 Matter and Its Properties – Homogeneous matter; Heterogeneous matter; the Atomic Structure of Matter.

1123 Phases of Matter – Kinetic Theory, Heat and Temperature; Gases; Liquids, Solids.

1124 Chemical Periodicity and Bonding – Periodic Table of the Elements; Periodicity of the Elements; Chemical Bonding of the Elements.

1125 Stoichiometry and Chemical Reactions – Chemical names and formulas; Chemical equations; Stoichiometry.

1126 Solutions – Homogeneous and Heterogeneous matter; nature of solutions; solubility and precipitation; molarity and concentrations; le Chatelier’s principle; electrolytes; ionic equations; Heat of Solubility.

1127 Acids, Bases and Salts – Acids; Bases; Salts; Acid-Base Titrations.

1128 Chemical kinetics and equilibrium – energy; the energy of reaction; reaction rates; reaction mechanism; and chemical equilibrium.

1129 Redox Reactions – Oxidation-Reduction reactions, equations and agents; Electrochemistry.

1130 Metals and metalloids - Group II metals; transition metals; aluminium; and metalloids (boron, silicon, arsenic, etc.).

1131 The chemistry of carbon: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons (halogenations, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, esters, etc.)

1132 Biochemistry – Molecular biochemistry; proteins, carbohydrates; lipids; nucleic acids; genetic engineering; metabolism. Nuclear Chemistry: the Nucleus; radioactivity; nuclear reactions.

Physics 1133-1144

Physics (1133-1144) (Fourth Edition)

1133 Measurement and Force: Fundamental and derived units, scientific notation, order of magnitude, precision and accuracy, significant figures. Scalars and Vectors, trigonometry, resolution of vectors, torque, equilibrium.

1134 Motion and Gravity: Speed, velocity, acceleration, falling bodies, projectile motion. Laws of motion, Kepler’s law of planetary motion, inverse square rule, law of universal gravitation.

1135 Momentum and Energy: Force equation, weight, impulse, momentum, conservation of momentum, the pendulum, simple harmonic motion. Energy, work, power, machines.

1136 Solids, Liquids, Gases and Fluids: Properties of solids and liquids, Boyle, States of matter, crystalline and amorphous solids, elasticity, Hooke’s Law, liquids, pressure, buoyancy, cohesion, adhesion, capillary action, surface tension. Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law, fluids, pressure, viscosity, Bernoulli’s principle.

1137 Heat: Nature of heat, temperature, Farenheit and Celcius scales, heat capacity, specific heat, latent heat, evaporation and cooling. Flow of heat, laws of thermodynamics, diffusion of gases, kinetic theory of gases, ideal gases.

1138 Wave Motion: Water, sound, speed of sound, pitch, loudness, inverse square law, Doppler effect, sonic boom. Sound and hearing: reflection and refraction of sound, fundamental frequency and overtones, resonance, sound quality, interference, music, Fourier analysis.

1139 Optics: Reflection, refraction, dispersion, total internal reflection, lenses, mirrors. Optical instruments: Ray diagrams, camera, microscope, telescopes.

1140 Light and Electricity: Light as waves and particles, visible spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum, speed of light, diffraction, interference, polarization, scattering. Electricity: Static electricity, lightning, Coulomb’s Law, electric fields, capacitance, electrostatic generators and detectors.

1141 Magnetism and Electric Currents: Magnets, compass, magnetic domains, magnetic fields, magnetism from electricity, electromagnets, deflecting force, electricity from magnetism. Charge and current, voltage, resistance, Ohm’s law, series and parallel circuits, measurement, power and heat.

1142 Electrochemistry and Electrical Devices: Voltaic cells and batteries, electrochemical cells, electrolysis, electric generators and motors, transformers, AC and DC, self-induction, electron tubes, semiconductor devices.

1143 Radiation and Nuclear Energy: Rays and radiation, cathode rays, X-rays, radioactivity, radioactive emissions, cosmic rays, radiation detectors, effects of radiation upon living tissue. Inside the atom, the Bohr model, electrons and the spectrum, the photoelectric effect, quanta, laser light. Protons and neutrons, nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, the Special Theory of Relativity.

1144 Review

Nutrition Science 1-6

Nutrition Science 1-6

Unit 1 The Importance of a Balanced Diet; Planning your Eating.

Unit 2 Water, Fat & Fibre.

Unit 3 Whole grains, Carbohydrates, Starches and Sweets.

Unit 4 Protein; Combining Proteins; Beans.

Unit 5 Vitamins; Minerals; Using vitamins Knowledge in your Daily Habits.

Unit 6 Vegetables; Focus on Fruit; Keys to Weight Loss and Lifetime Weight Control.

Health 1-6

Health 1-6

Unit 1 Identify the six basic rules of good health; name the six benefits of exercise; list the two basic types of diseases; explain the five types of pathogens; learn safety precautions.

Unit 2 Explain the four components of fitness; list four types of exercises; understand the benefits of exercise; learn various kinds of exercises.

Unit 3 Name the six nutrients in food; list the five food groups; explain the functions of various vitamins; read and understand a nutritional label; learn important nutritional guidelines.

Unit 4 Give several reasons why tobacco is hazardous to health; identify the categories of drugs; explain cancer growth and its warning signs; understand various heart diseases; become educated about AIDS.

Unit 5 Understand four types of mental disorders; identify the forms of counselling; explain the difference between psychiatry and psychology; know the kinds of psychiatric treatment.

Unit 6 Become familiar with the basic first aid procedures; understand techniques for common emergency health care; know how to administer artificial respiration; learn the basic procedures for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Science Projects - Stage 1 (Grades 1 & 2)

Science Project – Stage 1 (Grades 1 & 2)

Questioning and predicting

The student poses and responds to questions, and makes predictions about familiar objects and events.

Planning and conducting

The student participates in guided investigations to explore and answer questions.

The student uses informal measurements to collect and record observations, using digital technologies as appropriate.

Processing and analysing data and information

The student uses a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables through discussion, comparing observations with predictions.


The student compares observations with expectations and other observations in different contexts.


The student represents and communicates observations and ideas in a variety of ways.

Science Projects - Stage 2 (Grades 3 & 4)

Science Project – Stage 2 (Grades 3 & 4)

 Questioning and predicting

With guidance, the student identifies questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and makes predictions based on prior knowledge.

Planning and conducting

With guidance, the student plans and conducts scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment.

The student considers the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate, to make and record observations accurately.

Processing and analysing data and information

The student uses a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends.

The student compares results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings.


The student reflects on investigations, including whether a test was fair or not.


The student represents and communicates observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal representations.

Science Projects - Stage 3 (Grades 5 & 6)

Science Project – Stage 3 (Grades 5 & 6)

 Questioning and predicting

With guidance, the student poses clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations.

Planning and conducting

The student identifies, plans and applies the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks.

In their planning, the student decides variables to be changed and measured in fair tests, and observes, measures and records data with accuracy using digital technologies as appropriate.

Processing and analysing data and information

The student constructs and uses a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate.

The student then compares data with predictions and uses as evidence in developing explanations.


The student reflects on and suggests improvements to scientific investigations


The student communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts.

Science Projects - Stage 4 (Grades 7 & 8)

Science Project – Stage 4 (Grades 7 & 8)

 Questioning and predicting

From the topics studied in Science, the student identifies a problem or question, or selects a problem from the list of suggestions. The student makes a prediction based on their scientific knowledge.

Planning and conducting

The student identifies measured and controlled variables, then designs and performs an investigation that includes field work and laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods.

The student then selects and uses appropriate equipment, to collect and record data systematically and accurately.

Processing and analyzing data and information

The student constructs and uses a range of representations, including graphs, keys and models to represent and analyse patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate.

The student summarises data from their own investigations and secondary sources, and uses scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based on evidence


The student reflects on their investigation including evaluating the quality of the data collected, and identifying improvements.


Finally, the student communicates their findings, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations.

Science Projects - Stage 5 (Grades 9 & 10)

Science Project – Stage 5 (Grades 9 & 10)

Questioning and predicting

From the topics studied in Science, the student identifies a problem or question, or selects a problem from the list of suggestions.

The student proposes a hypothesis that can be investigated scientifically.

Planning and conducting

The student designs and performs an investigation that includes field work and laboratory experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk and address ethical issues associated with these methods.

The student then selects and uses appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to collect and record data systematically and accurately.

Processing and analysing data and information

The student analyses patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between variables and identifying inconsistencies.

The student draws conclusions that are consistent with evidence.


The student evaluates conclusions, including identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations, and describes specific ways to improve the quality of the data

The student critically analyses the validity of information in primary and secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems


Finally, the student communicates their findings, including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations.

In their reports, the student adds information obtained by further research, and uses various methods to present his or her findings to a selected audience.


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