Elective Scope and Sequence

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Please note: There is additional information on the Elective PACE's in the Ordering: Notes by Subject (Electives) page in the Member's Area.  It provides a helpful list for ordering of the PACE's in each Level and their relevant Score Keys. There are also links to informative videos explaining some of the subjects as well as if there are any additional items to purchase.

Primary and secondary pre-credit level PACEs

Secondary credit level PACEs

Choose Art Level 1

Level 1 “Make Me a Rainbow” Scope & Sequence

Academic objectives focus on the understanding of color, shape, line, and patterns.        

Unit One

Academic Objectives: To classify objects according to texture, shape and color; To exercise auditory discrimination; To personify different kinds of lines and associate behavior with the personalities of each line; To create a pattern using a number of lines; To observe the results of mixing two colors; To relate sound to visual image; To study how facial expression and body language reflect emotion; To analyze a work of art using a three-part method

Production Objectives: To design a collage of found objects; To explore wavy and zigzag lines by drawing them; To enjoy the sensory experience of fingerpainting; To make several drawings that relate an emotionally-charged event

Unit Two

Academic Objectives: To use creative thinking to develop a variety of lines; To discuss simple dolls from the past and their purpose; To develop the senses by making a variety of comparisons; To explore the character of a tree by assuming a variety of poses; To define resist as pushing away; To define potter as a person who makes bowls and plates out of clay; To exercise the tactile sense and to reinforce line

Production Objectives: To make a simple doll; To explore with modeling clay and to create a visual representation; To use the resist technique to apply paint over oil pastel; To arrange shapes on a page; To practice the skill of tracing

Unit Three

Academic Objectives: To practice cutting with scissors; To reproduce a color by mixing; To practice creating mind pictures, and to associate, using the sense of smell; To examine a still life by Paul Cezanne; To examine an orange through creative role play; To discern between shades of orange; To examine and compare common features of different animals; To identify shapes created by intersecting lines; To reinforce visual memory; To find geometric shapes in objects and in our surroundings

Production Objectives: To practice the collage technique; To practice drawing different kinds of lines; To create an image from a shape; To create patterns with shapes using the collage method;

Unit Four

Academic Objectives: To examine lines and shapes in native American blankets; To find evidence of man's artistic nature in clothing, blankets, and household items belonging to native Americans from long ago; To examine the homes of native Americans from the past; To see man's artistic nature in paintings on tepee walls; To note differences in color, size and shape among the birds and animals in the picture display; To practice visual memory; To explore shapes patterns; To predict the next shape in a pattern, based on a sequence; To recognize order in a pattern; To reinforce the concept of shape

Production Objectives: To plan a blanket pattern using stripes; To describe objects according to color, line, and shape; To create a representation of the native American tepee and its surrounding environment; To practice drawing from a story; To create patterns with shapes using the collage method

Unit Five

Academic Objectives: To make decisions in a group setting; To observe different responses to the same problem; To strengthen an understanding of the identity of certain geometric shapes; To explore variations of certain geometric shapes; To view the body and wings of a bee as a combination of geometric shapes; To see a flower as a combination of geometric shapes; To explore the image of a bug as a combination of shapes

Production Objectives: To create images from shapes; To assemble the body of a bee from a group of geometric shapes; To draw the body and wings of a bee; To explore variations of geometric shapes; To recognize and draw the shapes of flowers; To draw and paint representations of bold, beautiful flowers; To attempt to represent a bug with modeling clay; To draw a variety of bugs

Unit Six

Academic Objectives: To attempt to interpret the subject matter of a painting; To develop sequencing abilities by imagining possible past events that might have led to a certain situation and by projecting the possible outcome of a situation; To recognize how we can all interpret events differently; To develop visual discrimination skills; To arrange shapes into a sequence; To be able to recognize a cylinder; To define a circular cutout as a disc; To define a mobile; To identify patterns created by God

Production Objectives: To practice creating a composition, composing it from the imagination; To create a mobile; To practice painting patterns with line and shape; To decorate cylinders and discs with patterns; To invent patterns using line and shape or a combination of both; To contribute to making a quilt; To draw images from the imagination

Unit Seven

Academic Objectives: To study the distinguishing features of a variety of animals; To explore photographs of life under the sea; To practice visual discrimination and visual memory skills

Production Objectives: To make paper animals; To help build and paint Noah's ark; To create the scene around the ark by making items such as trees, flowers, birds and clouds; To solve practical problems such as how to make flowers stand up and how to suspend clouds in the sky; To choose from among sea creatures and types of vegetation to make a 3-dimensional representation of life under the sea; To practice sponge painting; To mix modeling clay; To create a rainbow from modeling clay.

Choose Art Level 2

Level 2 “Flowers and Bulrushes” Scope & Sequence

Academic objectives focus on the understanding and application of the elements of art.

Unit One

Academic Objectives: To explore different kinds of lines and distinguish shape from line.; To use the eyes to measure distance and to calculate space.; To define and identify shapes and to form shapes by making a line design; To identify and discuss different kinds of repeating lines and shapes in nature; To combine lines and shapes to form man-made patterns; To assume a variety of action poses, and to examine relative positions of body parts during the pose; To draw action poses from memory; To identify patterns in the immediate area and to record them; To complete patterns by drawing repeating shapes and lines

Production Objectives: To draw family members (felt markers, crayons, or colored pencils)

Unit Two

Academic Objectives: To practice visual memory and visual perception; To study how elements (motifs) repeat to form a pattern; To examine patterns on paper and cloth; To learn how to make a brick pattern; To observe poses and draw them from memory; To identify repeating shapes and lines in student work

Production Objectives: To draw a figure in an interesting pose, incorporating pattern into the clothing and the background (colored felt markers); To draw a long line intersecting at various points: identify and color shapes; To combine styrofoam stamps and paper edge printing to make a picture of flowers and bulrushes (black tempera paint or block printing ink)

Unit Three

Academic Objectives: To practice keen observation and visual memory; To use the eyes to measure distance and to calculate space; To understand and apply techniques of modeling with dough

Production Objectives: To draw a picture from the imagination: Auntie's New Baby; To model a person (flour and salt dough);

Unit Four

Academic Objectives: To understand that a contour drawing is a drawing of the edges of an object; To practice doing blind contour drawing and peeking contour drawing; To discuss how contour drawing helps us to learn to see; To explore the surface of a leaf using the sense of touch; To transfer tactile information into a visual image; To produce sensitive, expressive lines by doing contour drawing; To practice visual discrimination skills.

Production Objectives: To create a painting of a flower or flowers using the peeking contour drawing method (oil pastel, felt marker); To draw and cut out a peeking contour of a branch and leaves and to complete a composition of leaves on a branch; To draw a picture from the imagination: Big Box

Unit Five

Academic Objectives: To observe how overlapping shows near and far; To learn how to draw the overlapping object first and then the objects that are behind; To see that height on a page can show near and far; To see that relative sizes of objects on a page can show near and far

Production Objectives: To make an overlapping shapes design to reinforce how overlapping creates depth (paper shapes); To make a painting of an animal against a background of vegetation (oil pastel and felt marker); To provide an opportunity to apply the principles of near and far in a composition (pencil)

Unit Six

Academic Objectives: To define "texture" as "the way something feels when we touch it."; To find examples of different textures among common objects, and to describe them with words like rough, coarse, bumpy, ridgy, fuzzy, shiny; To think of a variety of texture words to describe certain fruits and vegetables; To take pencil rubbings of a variety of textures; To draw a full-length figure using the entire space on a page; To learn how to make a pattern and cut cloth from it; To learn how to braid and crimp wool hair

Production Objectives: To make a texture doll (oil pastel, cloth, wool, decorating materials)

Unit Seven

Academic Objectives: To keep a personal record of methods used in making the texture doll; To describe and record all the various textures used on the doll; To discuss the effect of colors used, either blending or contrasting; To develop the imagination by forming visual images from hearing a story; To understand the terms "slip," "score," "coil," and "wedge."; To practice the coil method of handbuilding with clay; To practice the slab method of handbuilding with clay

Production Objectives: To draw a picture from hearing a story: Rosalind's New Shoes; To build a coil pot in conjunction with listening to the story, Billy's Big Mistake

Choose Art Level 3

Level 3 “Peaceful Pastels” Scope & Sequence

Academic objectives focus on the understanding and application of the elements of art.

Unit One

Academic Objectives: To develop visual memory and to heighten observation skills; To use the "quick drawing" method to represent the body doing specific movements; To draw an activity as a sequence of gestures; To express an experience as a sequence of events on paper; To examine a tree using as many senses as possible: the basic structure, how branches and leaves are attached, how the bark feels, how the tree smells, etc; To reinforce the skill of figure-ground perception; To define "texture" and make leaf rubbings

Production Objectives: To construct a tree with colored paper using the collage method (construction paper); To model a tree (plasticene or similar modeling compound)

Unit Two

Academic Objectives: To identify changes that take place in the fall, and to identify some of the activities that children do in the fall season; To define "trunk" and the forms "sphere" and "cylinder."; To form a human body from modeling clay and manipulate its parts to depict certain actions; To define "mural."; To present overlapping as a method of creating distance in space; To present relative sizes of objects on a page as a method of creating distance; To define "background" and "horizon line."

Production Objectives: To paint a boy or girl involved in a fall activity (tempera paint, black felt marker).

Unit Three

Academic Objectives: To define "view" as "a picture of something."; To observe how sizes and relative positions of classmates are affected by their distance from the viewer; To apply principles of near and far in the assembling of a mural from the individual paintings done in Unit Two; To use the "contour" drawing method to increase observation skills; To understand the term "mosaic."; To reinforce line as a element of art

Production Objectives: To develop visual images from hearing the story, The Picnic, and to develop the images into a painting (tempera paint and black felt marker); To design a mosaic of lines (construction paper and pre-cut colored paper shapes)

Unit Four

Academic Objectives: To practice art appreciation skills; To be familiar with the terms "foreground," "background," "midground," "focal point," "contrast," "shape," and "texture."; To use the sense of smell to stimulate memory; To determine the focal point in a number of pictures; To observe how line creates a pathway for the eye to follow; To use line to emphasize a focal point; To understand the meaning of "color contrast."; To examine the paintings from The Picnic, identifying "foreground," "background," "midground," "focal point," "contrast," "shape," and "texture."; To understand the term "pastel" as it relates to color and to a feeling of peace

Production Objectives: To create a focal point by drawing an object using the contour drawing method, and emphasize the object by the use of line (oil pastel, black felt marker); To create a picture showing color contrast (chalk in soft pastel colors and black felt marker); To create a picture from a story: Berry-Picking With Grandma (colored pencil or felt marker)

Unit Five

Academic Objectives: To study how the eyes, eyebrows and mouth express different feelings, and to manipulate the features to change the expression; To define "countenance" and to review "sphere" and "cylinder."; To explain the meaning of the term "papier mâché."; To understand the term "profile."; To analyze and draw different expressions in both front view and profile; To choose contrasting colors to emphasize a focal point; To learn to mix lighter and darker shades of the same color

Production Objectives: To create a puppet (light bulb, papier mâché, and decorating materials); To draw and paint a face, either front view or profile, showing an emotional expression, and emphasize the face by painting the background a contrasting color (tempera paint, black felt marker)

Unit Six

Academic Objectives: To experience through role play how different emotions affect body position; To define "cartoon" as "a picture that is meant to make us laugh."; To define "comic strip" as "a group of pictures that tell a funny story."; To examine changes in body position through a sequence of standing, walking and running poses; To learn to depict speech, thoughts, speed and dust in a cartoon

Production Objectives: To create a single-frame cartoon; To create a colored comic strip (colored pencils, or paint and felt marker)

Unit Seven

Academic Objectives: To understand the difference between "warp" and "weft."; To identify the tabby weave and the basket weave; To use a paper loom and paper strips to practice different weaving patterns; To practice the running stitch and create line designs; To identify a variety of textures

Production Objectives: To make a weaving on a branch (tree branch, wool, and decorating materials); To construct a homemade loom (cardboard or styrofoam), warp the loom, and make a weaving (wool and decorating materials)

Choose Art Level 4

Level 4 “Butterfly Wings” Scope & Sequence

Academic objectives focus on the understanding and application of the elements of art.

Unit One

Academic Objectives: To define "shape" as a "space completely enclosed by line."; To define the basic geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle), and to describe other geometric shapes (diamond and oval); To identify and record samples of geometric shapes found in the immediate environment; To identify the parts of a plant and to examine the lines, shapes, and textures of a particular plant; To recognize that the word "collage" comes from the French word "colle," which means "to glue."; To define a "motif" as "any element, like a shape or a line, that repeats to form a pattern."; To define a "planned pattern" as "a pattern in which the motifs repeat in an orderly way so that we know what to expect next."; To define a "scatter pattern" as "a pattern in which the motifs are scattered around in a disorganized way."; To examine natural and man-made objects and designs, noting how both God and man have used pattern in their creations; To experiment with pattern-making using a choice of motifs; To distinguish between open and solid shapes

Production Objectives: To arrange seeds and choose from a variety of weeds to create a collage; To make a collage using either a scatter pattern or a planned pattern (white shapes and lines on black background); To make a collage using either open or solid shapes (seeds and paint on paper plate); To explore pattern-making by using printmaking techniques, spatter painting, and techniques with string

Unit Two

Academic Objectives: To define an "abstract shape" as "an unusual shape that is not easy to describe."; To reinforce the difference between line and shape, and abstract and geometric; To define a "portrait" as a "picture of a person."; To develop visual memory and attention to detail.; To define "self-portrait" as a "picture someone makes of him or herself

Production Objectives: To draw a picture from hearing a story: Lost in the Woods; To paint life-size portraits with an emphasis on detail and patterning

Unit Three

Academic Objectives: To use line to interpret and express the mood, rhythm, and tempo of music.; To develop creativity by inventing different types of lines; To define the word "image" as "a likeness of a person or thing."; To make a scribble into an image by adding lines to the scribble; To see how different images can be created from the same scribble; To take turns building a tall tale, sentence by sentence; To illustrate an expressive word by drawing an expressive abstract shape; To use overlapping to create distance in space; To observe how repeating colors cause the eye to move throughout a composition.; To associate images with emotions, and to combine images to create a picture

Production Objectives: To create abstract shapes from the imagination, motivated by expressive words such as "swoosh," "dribble," "pop," "squirt" (oil pastel, felt marker)

Unit Four

Academic Objectives: To recognize some of the unique ways God has created his creatures to adapt to and function in their environments; To compare the meanings of "shape" and "form."; To identify a cylinder, cone, and cube as examples of forms; To be familiar with the terms "two-dimensional" and "three-dimensional."; To learn a few paper sculpture techniques

Production Objectives: To create a fictitious animal, unknown in God's creation, by combining characteristics of known animals, or by inventing completely new ones (colored felt markers or colored pencils); To make sculptures of real or make-believe animals (cardboard boxes, egg cartons, paper rolls, etc.)

Unit Five

Academic Objectives: To create images by combining shapes; To record pertinent data about the box sculpture animals; To discuss art production with regard to an interpretive approach versus realism; To use the eyes to measure and calculate space; To develop visual memory; To develop creative thinking and encourage a creative response.

Production Objectives: To create an animal from an abstract symmetrical design (tempera paint, felt marker)

Unit Six

Academic Objectives: To assume a variety of action poses, and to observe the position of body parts during the poses; To draw action poses from memory; To share in a group project, working in close proximity to one another; To define "mirror image" as "an image in reverse."; To practice drawing mirror images; To pick out patterns, motifs, and abstract shapes in pictures of butterfly wings

Production Objectives: To draw and paint representations of bold and beautiful flowers (tempera paint, felt marker); To design and paint the wings of a butterfly (acrylic or tempera on plastic); To create a mural using the flowers, butterflies, and adding raindrops, grass, etc

Unit Seven

Academic Objectives: To define terms such as "comet," "crater," "meteor," "gravity."; To express knowledge in visual form; To identify primary and secondary colors, and to experiment with mixing colors; To discern images among scribbles; To use the eyes to measure and calculate space

Production Objectives: To incorporate spatter painting into an outer space composition based on the story, Stony Rockwell Touches Down.; To create a fish or bird (salt, flour and detergent dough)

Choose Art Level 5

Level 5 “Eagles Soar” Scope & Sequence

Academic objectives focus on an introduction to the principles of design through an understanding of the application of the elements of art.

Unit One

Academic Objectives: To discuss the sport of cross-country running and the warm-up exercises used by runners in preparing for a race; To use a "posing puppet" to study certain actions and emotions and to demonstrate the relative positions of body parts in warm-up exercises; To review definitions of focal point and contrast; To examine poses and the use of repetition in creating emphasis in a painting by Winslow Homer; To use a painting by Morisot to examine the use of contrast in creating emphasis, and to review some of the principles of near and far; To review the techniques for creating a strong focal point and to evaluate the effectiveness of the focal points in the students' sketches; To observe the use of balance, movement, and unity in van Gogh's The Starry Night; To evaluate one's own composition with respect to principles of design such as unity, movement, repetition, and balance

Production Objectives: To observe and draw a number of poses; To draw a composition from The Big Race after first drawing a plan; To apply the technique of cropping to strengthen the focal point

Unit Two

Academic Objectives: To do a critical analysis of Seurat's Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of Grande Jatte; To compare van Gogh's The Starry Night with Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon."; To define pointillism; To practice contour drawing skills and apply them to a finished drawing.; To practice critical analysis skills by doing an evaluation of a student composition from The Big Race

Production Objectives: To draw an accurate representation; To do a "walking mural," with each student completing a "knee-down" portrait

Unit Three

Academic Objectives: To become familiar with the two main elements of a poster: image and lettering; To become familiar with the term graphic artist; To reinforce the meaning and application of the term unity; To look at a number of European posters from the early 1900s; To define calligraphy and compare serif to sans serif lettering; To understand the terms upright, italic, outline, and script as they apply to letter styles; To encourage the use of an enlarged partial image

Production Objectives: To plan and create a large poster advertising an event such as a sporting event, a musical, or a bake sale

Unit Four

Academic Objectives: To define relief sculpture; To understand the term high relief and freestanding as applied to sculpture; To understand the difference between high relief and low relief, and to define bas relief; To study some of the accomplishments of Michelangelo and to take a brief look at his background and training; To look at a few examples of Michelangelo's sculptures; To review the relative positions of features on a face; To review the process of mixing slip and joining two pieces of clay by the slip and score method

Production Objectives: To use a modeling compound to create an action figure, either freestanding or in high relief; To complete a drawing exercise while experiencing the awkwardness of drawing on a "ceiling" surface, thus identifying with Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel project; To model a self-portrait head in low relief

Unit Five

Academic Objectives: To read a brief account of certain aspects of Leonardo da Vinci's life and work, with emphasis on his seemingly limitless abilities and diverse interests; To study two of Leonardo's most revered paintings; To understand the process of fresco painting; To practice drawing skills with particular reference to an accurate sketch; To recognize the Renaissance as a period in history when man glorified himself for his success, and God was not acknowledged; To refer to several of Leonardo's inventions.; To present the commuter designs in class and to obtain student feedback regarding strengths and weaknesses of each design; To learn the identities as Leonardo intended in his painting, The Last Supper

Production Objectives: To invent and draw a commuter vehicle to solve certain problems outlined in the assignment; To invent and draw the design for a unique student desk; To make dishes for the table for the dramatization of The Last Supper; To paint the background for The Last Supper on a wall, thus identifying with Leonardo's task; To create an adaptation of the scene from The Last Supper using the students in the class, dressed to play the part of Jesus and the disciples and dramatizing the feeling of disbelief felt by the disciples when Christ announced that He would be betrayed by one of them

Unit Six

Academic Objectives: To examine the effects of direct lighting on an object as it relates to shadows and values of gray; To refer to Leonardo's method of building up tones rather than outlining and filling in with color; To define modeling as another name for shading; To have students share their ideas and drawings for student desk designs.; To understand the term tooth as it applies to paper; To recognize how a society's values are reflected in its art; To practice the technique of applying and blending colors using soft pastel.; To become acquainted with the process of printmaking through the German artist, Albrecht Durer; To understand the difference between a woodcut and an engraving and to define incising as cutting grooves into the surface of a material; To understand the most fundamental difference between the Renaissance and the Reformation; To define plate as the inked surface from which to take a print

Production Objectives: To draw a cylinder, attempting to use shading to represent the values of dark and light; To draw using a grid; To create a 3-dimensional appearance by representing darks and lights on the surface of a colored object; To use patterning to prepare a drawing for printmaking; To make a number of prints from the styrofoam "plate."

Unit Seven

Academic Objectives: To become familiar with The Group of Seven; To do a critical analysis of Lawren Harris's Untitled mountain landscape; To understand the term diorama; To study the principle of movement; To understand the meaning of creating an interpretation; To recognize that the eagle is sometimes used as a symbol to represent strength and freedom; To recognize the eagle as the national symbol of the United States

Production Objectives: To apply knowledge of the eagle's habitat to create a diorama based on the painting Untitled; To apply knowledge of the eagle's physical characteristics to mold the figure of an eagle from a modeling compound such as plasticene

Beginning Art 73-84

ART 73-84

73 An introduction to art and the tools needed. Practice using and drawing with various media. There is no score key or test key with this PACE.

Materials needed: Pencils (HB, 3B and 6B), sharpener, erasers (Pink Pearl, Art Gum and Kneaded), brush (to wipe away eraser remains), brushes (to apply paint and ink), mat knife, blending sticks, charcoal sticks, drawing pen and India ink, art paper, water colour (at least black), tempera (at least black)

 74 An introduction to design and shapes: triangles, squares, circles, and variations. The PACE contains a score key and test key for use by the parent.

Materials needed: Pencil, erasers, pen and ink or tempera and brushes.

 75 A study of line variation and shading. There is no score key or test key with this PACE.

Materials needed: Pencils, ruler.

76 A study of shading: for depth, for interiors, for nature scenes. There is no score key or test key with this PACE.

Materials needed: Pencils, erasers, drawing paper, strong light, a white ball, a white cube.

77 A study of texture and perspective. The PACE contains a score key and test key for use by the parent.

Materials needed: Pencils, erasers, drawing paper, pens (a variety of pen points), brush and ink, terry cloth (old wash cloth will do), sponge

 78 A study of colour and its principles: the colour wheel, opposites, warm and cool colour, and landscapes. The PACE contains a score key and test key for use by the parent.

Materials needed: Watercolour paper or board, brushes (number 4 and 7 if possible)

 79 An introduction to figures, heads, and cartoons

 80 A study of landscapes and interiors, perspective and depth

 81 A study of creating well-balanced scenes, indoors and outdoors

82 A study of the flannel board and how to use it well

 83 An introduction to lettering, the pens, and the styles

84 A study of bulletin- board decoration, reverse painting, silhouettes on glass, and mosaics

Accounting 121-132

ACCOUNTING (Third Edition)

This subject covers the nature, scope, vocabulary, and techniques of accounting.  Intended to provide a firm foundation upon which to build, the resource includes introduction to assets, liabilities and capital, journalizing, ledger analysis, account management, balance sheet and income statement completion, accounting for sales and purchases, inventory control, tax preparation (USA) and partnership and corporate accounting.

121 To define accounting and some of the basic concepts of accounting; to analyze business transactions; to summarize transactions into meaningful categories; to use summarized data in preparing a balance sheet; to prepare a balance sheet; to interpret the balance sheet.

122 To analyze transactions into the elements affected; to record transactions in accounts by applying debit-credit rules; to journalize transactions; to post data from the journal to accounts of the ledger; to prepare a trial balance; to locate and correct errors

123 To relate the periodicity concept to related principles and to the end-of-the-period activities; to use temporary owner’s equity accounts in recording transactions that involve revenue and expenses; analyze and prepare end-of-the-period adjustments; to prepare a work sheet; to journalize and post adjusting and closing entries; to prepare a Post-Closing Trial balance

124 To measure and account for revenue arising from the sale of merchandise; to measure and account for the cost of goods sold during the accounting period; to complete the periodic summary for merchandising firms; to prepare and interpret financial statements of merchandising firms

125 To design four special journals; to record transactions in the special journals; to post data from special journals to accounts in the subsidiary ledgers; to post data from special journals to accounts in the General Ledger; to post General Journal entries to subsidiary ledgers and the General Ledger by using a double-posting technique; to combine these activities into an integrated accounting system

126 To describe and define the various kinds of fixed assets; to apply the cost principle and the asset-recognition principle in accounting for fixed assets; to measure the cost and record the purchase of various fixed assets; to define and determine the amounts of depreciation, using four different methods; to amortise intangible assets; to record the depletion of natural resources; to account for expenditures for betterments, repairs, and rearrangements; to record the disposal of fixed assets.

127 To use the petty-cash system for making certain cash disbursements; to prepare a cash reconciliation; to recognize the essentials of negotiable promissory notes; to calculate and record interest on notes receivable; to discount notes receivable; to account for uncollectible accounts; to estimate bad debts expense.

128 To price inventories using various assumptions of cost; to evaluate the various methods of pricing inventories; to price the inventory by using the lower-of-cost-or-market method; to price the inventory by using the retail-inventory method; to estimate the inventory by using the gross-profit method; to allocate the cost of the inventory by using the relative-sales method; to account for the purchase and sale of temporary investments; to account for prepaid expenses and accrued revenue.

129 To define and classify liabilities; to define and account for collections received in advance; to define and account for accrued expenses; to recognize and account for other current liabilities; to evaluate the adequacy of working capital; to evaluate the efficient utilization of working capital; to classify and account for corporate bonds and other long-term liabilities

130 To calculate or determine the amount of withheld; income tax and Government taxes to deduct from employees’ wages; to identify the appropriate dates for making deposits of income tax and Government taxes; to prepare reports for filing quarterly reports of withheld income tax and Government taxes; to prepare and account for payrolls; to account for payroll taxes.

131 To relate the law of partnerships to the accounting for partnerships; to distribute profits and losses to the partners equity accounts; to account for the admission of a new partner; to account for the withdrawal of a partner; to account for disposal of the assets of a partnership upon its liquidation; to prepare financial statements for partnerships

132 To describe the various characteristics of the corporate form of organization and its advantages and disadvantages; to describe the legal requirements of forming a corporation; to describe the various kinds of capital stock; to account for the organization and operation of a corporation; to prepare financial statements of a corporation; to interpret financial statements of a corporation


Basic Advanced Art 97-108

ART 97-108 (Third Edition)

97 An introduction to the tools of art: the pencil, pen and ink, and paints.  Product code: 082097

98 A study of the principles of design: symbols, rhythm, shapes, and awareness.  Product code: 082098

 99 A study of observation, point of view, and perspectives.  Product code: 082099

 100 A study of light and shade.  Product code: 082100

 101 A study of variation in textures, forms, and moods.  Product code: 082101

 102 A study of colour: hue, value, intensity, and colour proportions.  Product code: 082102

 103 A study of drawing figures, both still and in motion.  Product code: 082103

 104 A study of drawing clothes and draperies and how to properly frame a picture.  Product code: 082104

 105 A study of landscapes and building.  Product code: 082105

 106 A study of chalk talks: materials, setup, ways to make it effective, and making a program.  Product code: 082106

107 A study of lettering.  Product code: 082107

108 A study of layouts, spacing, and other techniques designed to help the student to put all the learned materials together.  Product code: 082108

Auto Mechanics 109-114


This is an older course, designed to be used in a classroom workshop situation.  It is recommended that automotive systems and parts be demonstrated.

109 The systems in the automobile: the engine; fuel and exhaust; ignition and electrical; crankcase lubrication; cooling system; power transmission; steering; brakes; frame and suspension. Internal combustion engines: basic gasoline engine; four-stroke engine; cylinders; pistons; piston rings; piston pins; crankshaft; main bearings; connecting rod bearings; camshafts; valves –clearance and lifters, wear and lubrication; experimental engines; gas turbines; rotating combustion engine

110 The fuel and exhaust systems: Fuel pump; vacuum booster pump; carburettor; air filter; intake manifold; exhaust manifold; muffler; fuel injection

111 Ignition and electrical systems: Battery; starter; generator; alternator; regulator; ignition circuits; coil; distributor; ignition system; spark plugs; spark timing; electrical accessories

112 Crankcase lubrication: Oil reservoir and pump; crankcase ventilation systems; oil feed systems; pressure relief valve; oil filter; crankcase oil cooler

113 Power transmission system: Clutch; clutch lubrication; transmissions; overdrive; fluid couplings and torque converters; automatic transmissions; transaxle drive systems; propeller shaft and universal joints; flexible drive shaft; rear axle assembly; drive pinions and ring gears; differential; drive axles and rear wheels

114 Steering system: Front wheel mounting; front wheel camber; toe in and caster; steering mechanism; power steering. Braking system: hydraulic brakes; drum brakes; disc brakes; power booster brakes; parking brakes. Frame & suspension systems: leaf springs; coil springs; independent front wheel suspension; independent rear wheel suspension; shock absorbers; torsion bars; air suspension.  An additional Final PACE Test is included in PACE 114.

Creative Communication Skills 1-6


Based on the book, The Art of Storytelling, by John Walsh.

The course is described in the first part of this video (Episode 4).

1 A Society of Story Thinkers; 14 steps for Crafting a captivating Story; A Personal Word; Chapter 1: A New World and Its Story; Chapter 2: Where Do You Find Your Stories; Beginning the Story Construction Process; Step 1: Select a story.  Product code: AS1

2 Chapter 3: Let them walk in your shoes; Step 2: Push through the story. Putting clay on the wheel; Move away from the book; Step 3: Envision the scene with present day feelings and concerns; In your shoes; At the scene Step 4: Tell the story from the viewpoint of the scene; Chapter 4: Make it unforgettable; Step 5: Establish the story’s one central truth; Step 6: Find a memory hook; Step 7: Telling a story within a story Step 8: Plan your first words; Step 9: Know how it ends.  Product code: AS2

3 Chapter 5: Knowing when to ramble; Chapter 6: The finishing touches; Step 10: Research the Facts; Step 11: Eliminate Needless Details; Step 12: Add description; Chapter 7: The last Ingredient; Step 13: Include audience participation; Step 14: Arrange practice audiences; Create a coaching Group; Bonus Step 15: Adding personal flair. Story starters.  Product code: AS3

4 Chapter 8: You have to see it; Tools for Presenting a Captivating Story: Tool 1: Imagination; Chapter 9: Committing your body; Tool 2: Facial Expression; Tool 3: Body movements; Tool 4: Your voice; Tool 2: the pause.  Product code: AS4

5 Chapter 10: Talking, not talking; Chapter 11: Turning weakness into strength; Tool 6: Nervousness, Tool 7: Confidence; Using a Microphone; Personal Stories.  Product code: AS5

6 Bible Telling; Pool of True Stories; Slow Permanent Change; All the Stories of the Bible; The Bible Telling Triangle; The Three Ingredients; Experience Bible Telling; Ideas for activities.  Product code: AS6

French 97-108

FRENCH 97–108 (Third Editon)

Support DVDs available online at the SCEE Resource Library - French

97 Introduction to French: the alphabet, vowels, consonants, noun gender and number, and the definite article.  Product code: 027097

98 The indicative present, the verb etre, questions, and the partitive.   Product code: 027098

99 French numbers, telling time and age, the verb avoir, and negative and interrogative forms.  Product code: 027099

100 First group verbs and personal pronouns other than subjects: direct objects, indirect objects, reflexive, reciprocal and absolute.  Product code: 027100

101 Descriptive adjectives, adverbs and comparisons.  Product code: 027101

102 The demonstrative adjective and pronoun, with cardinal and ordinal numbers and second group verbs. Product code: 027102

103 Possessive adjectives and pronouns and the present and past participle.  Product code: 027103

104 Relative pronouns, interrogative pronouns and adjectives, exclamatory adjectives, and third group verbs.  Product code: 027104

105 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns and the imperfect past and compound past of etre and avoir.  Product code: 027105

106 Conjunctions and prepositions with the future of etre and avoir.  Product code: 027106

107 Interjections and the imperfect past and compound past of the first, second and third group verbs.  Product code: 027107

108 Sentences, clauses, and the simple future of first, second and third group verbs.  Product code: 027108

General Business 97-108

GENERAL BUSINESS (97-108) (Third Edition)

Unlike Business Maths, there is no mathematics in the PACEs. Instead, the course looks at (primarily American) Business. It may be dated, and it may not be Australian, however the principles are still valid and of value.
There is also a section on choosing careers in business.

97 You and the World of Business; Your Family and the World of Business; Your Country and the World of Business; The World and Business.  Product code: 082097 

98 Market Research: Consumer Statistics; Market Research: Consumer Behaviour; Market Development: Advertising Techniques.  Product code: 082098

99 Business Manufactures to Meet Consumer Demands; Getting the Product to the Consumer; Getting the Consumer to Buy; Keeping the Customer Satisfied.   Product code: 082099

100 As a Consumer; As a Worker; As a Manager; As an Owner; In Duplicate Roles; With Changing Personnel.  Product code: 082100

101 Legal characteristics of a Corporation; Structure of a Corporation; Organization of a Corporation; Types of Industries.  Product code: 082101

102 Business Careers; Wages and Benefits; Career Choices.  Product code: 082102

103 Types of Production; Production Organization and Control; Production Characteristics; Production Facilities; Purchasing; Inventory Control.  Product code: 082103

104 Relationships with Labour; Relationships with Government; Business Relationships with the Public.  Product code: 082104

105 Human Needs; Need Satisfaction; Organization Structure; Leadership; Benefits Administration. Product code: 082105

106 Commercial Banking; The Federal Reserve System; Other Financial Institutions. Product code: 082106

107 Capital Requirements; Capital Sources; Capital Utilization.  Product code: 082107

108 International Business Environment; International Business Activities; Barriers and Aids to International Business.  Product code: 082108

Music 1-6

MUSIC 1 – 6

TWO CDs Required: Music appreciation (Product code 083094); and Music Self Test & Pace Test (Product code 083095).  The optional DVD Vocal Music Training DVD is available online at the SCEE Resource Library - Music.

1 Introduction to Musical Instruments: know the five basic groups of musical instruments; identify each instrument in the string, woodwind, brass, percussion, and keyboard families; understand the meaning of being musical; learn how to select an instrument; recognize the importance of practicing your instrument; discern the right use of playing musical instruments. Product Code: 083097

2 Properties of Tone: understand why music is important to us; know the purpose of music; recognize the four properties of tone; distinguish between even and uneven sound vibrations; state the definitions of pitch, duration, and intensity; label the notes and octaves of a piano keyboard; identify the different types of pianos; understand the sound mechanism of a piano; identify the different kinds of notes and rests; relate the durational value of one note to another; recognize and understand the different dynamic markings in music; explain sound quality; understand the functions of the human voice; distinguish sound quality in musical instruments.  Product Code: 083098

3 Hymnology and Notation: know the definition of a psalm, hymn, and spiritual song; appreciate the backgrounds of some of our great hymns and hymn writers; recognize the differences between the three type of clefs; know the name of each line and space in a staff; identify and notate a chromatic scale and a major scale; identify and notate triads in root position; identify and notate all treble clef and bass clef key signatures.  Product Code: 083099

4 Minor Keys, Rhythm, and Introduction to Song Leading: identify relative, natural, harmonic and melodic minor scales and keys; know the definition of rhythm, beat, and meter; identify primary and secondary accents; learn to lead music using several conducting patterns; plan a song service.  Product Code: 083100

5 Introduction to the Singing Voice and Music Styles: understand how to control the four major causes of nervousness; learn four ways to build poise; stand and sit correctly when singing; understand the correct way to breathe; name the three bodily resonators; know the function of bodily resonators; understand how to form and sing vowels; state and explain the four categories of consonants; know how to evaluate the text and tune for any song; know the stories behind some of our great hymns.  Product Code: 083101

6 Developing an Appreciation for Music: describe the characteristic music styles of different periods; know something about the lives and music styles of several famous composers; associate the titles of some famous compositions with their composers; recognize, by listening, the themes of several well – known musical selections.  Product Code: 083102

Spanish 1-12


Support DVDs available online at the SCEE Resource Library - Spanish
Please note: Access to the Tests must be requested by the Supervisor from info@scee.edu.au

1 Reasons for learning Spanish, Vowels and four different consonants, more alphabet consonants Greetings and farewells, ¿Cómo?; Formal and informal greetings; Names; Literal translations ¿Cómo?; Four vocabulary steps; Verbs, Subject pronouns, Nouns and definite articles, Spain in a Capsule.  Product code: 071171

2 Restaurant situation, Punctuation differences; Numbers 0-10, Ar verb endings, Adjectives, Sentences; Saying “No”; How to make questions, Interrogative words, ¿Quién?, ¿De Quién? Contractions; Conjunctions; Numbers 11-20, Mexico in a Capsule.  Product code: 071172

3 Plaza phrases, Numbers 21-199, Mercado phrases Review: ar verbs; Learn irregular estar, dar, ir Regular er verbs; Irregular ser, Ser vs. estar; Indefinite articles, ¿Dónde?, ¿De dónde?, ¿Adónde?, Diphthongs; Syllable stress review, Guatemala in a Capsule.  Product code: 071173

4 ¿Qué? vs. ¿Cuál?, Ir verb endings, Irregular verbs dar, tener, ir, Direct object pronouns, Adjective position; Numbers 200-1,000, Prepositions; “a” after verbs such as aprender, enseñar, and comenzar; Irregular verb venire, Cognates (exact, direct, indirect, deceptive), El Salvador in a Capsule.  Product code: 071174

5 Possessive adjectives, Stem-changing verbs e ie; Ordinal numbers 1-10, Men’s clothes; Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives, Stem-changing verbs o(u) → ue; Math expressions, More prepositions; Pronouns after prepositions; Indirect object pronouns; Women’s clothes, Stem-changing verbs e → i; Gustar; Shortening of adjectives, Honduras in a Capsule.  Product code: 071175

6 Days of week; Months of year; How to say dates Go verbs; Zco verbs; Saber vs. conocer, Present progressive form; Family tree, Relatives; Surnames, Inclusive plurals; Age; 1,000-10,000,000, Direct and indirect object pronouns together; Para vs. por, Nicaragua in a Capsule.  Product code: 071176

7 Seasons of the year; Weather; Telling temperature Health expressions; Parts of the human body Affirmative and negative words; Double negatives Comparison of adjectives; Irregular and superlative forms of adjectives; Adjectives used as nouns, Hospital expressions; Telling time, Costa Rica in a Capsule.  Product code: 071177

8 Adjective review, Reflexive pronouns (before + after a verb); Personal care, Forming adverbs (adjective + –mente); 2 adverbs; Together; special adverb form; Adverb + de = compound preposition, Spanish names: (outside, inside) house, Spanish in a conventional school, Learning Centre, homeschool, Spanish names of furniture and accessories in a house, Panama in a capsule.  Product code: 071178

9 Synonyms, Antonyms; Expressions with tener; Feminine nouns with masculine articles, Library vocabulary; Spanish names of domestic animals, Preterite: Immediate, regular –ar verbs, reflexive –ar verbs, Names of farm and aquatic animals, Spelling changes in the preterite of regular –ar verbs; Groups: –car, –gar, –zar, Spanish names of zoo animals, Cuba in a Capsule.  Product code: 071179

10 Review preterite endings of regular –ar verbs; Learn preterite of regular –er and –ir verbs and reflexive –er and –ir verbs, Spanish names of some musical instruments; Wisdom principle, Preterite of regular –er verbs with spelling, changes (creer, leer); Preterite of irregular verbs with regular endings (conocer, salir); Preterite of irregular verbs with regular endings and spelling changes (caer, oír) Preterite of irregular verbs with similar regular endings (dar, ver, ser, ir); Preterite of irregular verbs with combined endings (estar, hacer), Spanish beach vocabulary; Expressions with hacer, Preterite of stem-changing verbs; Summary of preterite tense, Dominican Republic in a Capsule.  Product code: 071180

11 Review present and preterite of hacer; Learn “Hace .que” (present and preterite) Affirmative tú commands (with and without object pronouns) Affirmative tú commands (2 object pronouns); Irregular forms, Affirmative usted (es) command(s)- irregular forms; With and without pronouns Affirmative nosotros commands (vamos a); Review formal and informal commands. Puerto Rico in a Capsule.  Product code: 071181

12 Witnessing, Grammar review, Latin America Culture in a Capsule.  Product code: 071182

Speech 1-6

SPEECH 1 – 6

Support DVDs available online at the SCEE Resource Library - Speech

1 To understand the Christian’s responsibility in speaking; To learn proper breathing techniques; To improve the projection of sound; To add variety to the rate of speech by the use of duration of sound.  Product code: 002497

2 To learn how the voice is produced; To achieve vocal purity by improved resonance; To identify natural pitch; To add variety in pitch through inflections and steps; To avoid the monotone. Product code: 002498

3 To learn to articulate sounds properly; To understand the importance of correct pronunciation; To identify the effects of different dialects; To learn the best choice of vocabulary; To learn how pause, stress, and pitch affect speaking. Product code: 002499

4 To learn effective gesturing; To recognize bad habits of posture; To learn proper use of the lectern; To develop effective facial expressions; To improve eye contact; To make gestures meaningful; To eliminate nervous gestures. Product code: 002500

5 To become mentally & physically prepared for public speaking; To identify the symptoms of stage fright; To convert nervous tension into positive energy; To learn how to relax on stage; To speak with emotion and enthusiasm. Product code: 002501

6 To communicate with the use of multiple personalities; To employ the speaker’s “v”; To learn how to mark a script; To improve memorization skills; To master a speech through rehearsals; To learn self – evaluation. Product code: 002502

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