The information on this page relates to Accelerate Educational Ministries' Bush Schools Project. It is not operated by Accelerate Christian Home Schooling. All enquiries should be directed to the project. Contact details are given below (Get in Contact).
The Need
Many young people in countries that are our closest neighbours receive little or no education at all. Many remote villages in our island communities either do not have a school or do not have anyone to teach the children.
These communities want a better life for their children but feel trapped and helpless – they have very little in the way of a cash economy – they grow their own food, they still hunt and fish, they sell any cash crops to those who have paid jobs, usually in towns. However, what money they do have comes spread out throughout the year. Barely enough to sustain them personally let alone start a school with resources needing to be bought.
They want their kids to have the opportunities that other kids get in the towns and cities, but are forced to resign themselves to their situation, with little hope of any real change in the future. We are determined to help by bringing biblical worldview education to these villages but the need is big and the funding is limited. We need your help.
We are determined to help by bringing biblical worldview education to these villages but the need is big and the funding is limited. We need your help.
The Bush Schools Project
The Bush Schools Project is aimed at working through existing schools and churches to reach remote places. The local community will provide a facility (usually a bush hut) and will provide support for the Supervisor of the school (usually in goods and services).
A local person would be trained as the school Supervisor, ideally at one of our existing schools, and would then be sent to set up and run the school in their village. We are beginning with a 'Learning to Read' program that will provide a good level of literacy in the first year. Each year the school would have an intake of the 'Learning to Read' students who would then progress into the normal year levels using the A.C.E. Curriculum.
Our Bush School Project is now in its first stages and you are invited to partner with us as we bring Biblical worldview education to remote locations throughout the world.
You can help change lives -
- Volunteer to help with preparation of our school kits if you are local
- Sponsor a village teacher’s training
- Sponsor a School Kit – includes 12 month supply of all that is needed to run the program for 1 teacher and 10 students
- Adopt a school and have an ongoing relationship with the school
- Host fundraising events
- Donate
- If you’re looking for an adventure you might even be able to teach at one of our remote schools!
If you would like more information about this amazing opportunity to partner with us as we reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, contact us at
or phone us at
+61 7 3881 5777
Accelerate Educational Ministries
8-12 Business Drive
Narangba QLD 4504