What others are saying...
The quotes below are real comments from families about home schooling in general and about Accelerated Christian Home Schooling.
Tap the title to see the comments.
Grateful for A.C.E.'s Christian foundation - Precila, QLD
Precila, Qld- 2024
Wish I had that training 6yrs ago - Tyffany, QLD
... just wanted to say thank you for the online training .... I just finished the online training last night and found it SO helpful. Wish I had that training 6yrs ago when we started. I even got online with Jediah and watched all the Grammar videos yesterday. Thank you and your husband for this ministry. It is already blessing our family.
Tyffany, Qld
Enjoying the Journey Together! - Tua, QLD
Highly honoured by her employers - Terry, QLD
Jemma, now 21, is one of our four homeschooled children. She started ABC's with Ace and Christy then studied to Year 12. After graduating with high grades, she studied Tertiary Preparation Pathway at the University of the Sunshine Coast. This enabled her to study a Bachelor of Primary Education.
While studying, she is also working a part time job at a clothing boutique (involving great responsibility as a sole-charge staff). Her organisation skills and diligence learnt from homeschooling years were highly honoured by her employers.
Recently, she received the Fraser Coast Anglican College Prize for being the Highest Achieving Second or Third Year Student studying a Bachelor of Education at USC Fraser Coast campus.
May this encourage some new homeschooling families as they pursue teaching their children in the ways of the Lord with diligence. Thank you for everything.
Terry, Qld
He is blooming - Freya, QLD
I just wanted to say thank you. We are still working on getting better with homeschooling, both Mum and Son, but our boy now has no more meltdowns, depression, tantrums, aggressive outbursts or anti social behaviour. He is blooming.
Freya, Qld
Joy has returned to our schoolroom! - Sharon, QLD
Homeschooling had consumed my life for the past 9 years. We started school (Distance Education) at 7:30am and for the most part would finish at 6pm every day. The children would stop for morning tea and lunch and finish mid-afternoon but I would only stop for lunch.
By the time I marked their work and did the preparation required for the next day my whole day was gone.
With A.C.E. I feel like I am in a constant Bible study with my children which I am loving!
So much joy has returned to our schoolroom, for which I am so grateful.
Sharon, Qld
Loved dealing with you all - Taz, QLD
Thanks so much for all your help and prompt responses. I have loved dealing with you all. It makes it all so much easier.
Taz, Qld - 2021
We talk everyday - Laura, QLD
I love when we talk everyday about what they learn 🙂
Laura, Qld
Eternally grateful - Nicola, QLD
...this Mum will be eternally grateful for the work you are doing. Thank you!
Nicola, Qld
Maths - So much fun! - Kyleigh, NSW
You should see the smile on Joe’s face. It is great for his self esteem as it has taken such a beating over the years in mainstream school.
We are having fun with math and learning together. I am loving this. Thank you.
Kyleigh, NSW
Quality of learning - Terry, NSW
Thanks for the best wishes and all the support you have provided to Natalia and ourselves over this journey. I must admit that the step to remove Natalia from school and start home schooling when she was being bullied was an unsure one. However after experiencing the quality of learning available by home school I have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone.
Natalia has grown to love maths during this time and is expressing interest in being an accountant
Terry, NSW
A wonderful help - Sue, NSW
You have both been such a wonderful help to me through all these years and I am so thankful for all the help you have given to the children and myself.
Sue, NSW
Mum, did you know... - Laurel, NSW
We would like to thank you though for offering such a wonderful home school option. Jemma worked at her own pace doing her year 10 work and very frequently I heard her call out "Mum, did you know …”
We also worked together on science and history. Sometimes she read to me, sometimes I read to her. We frequently stopped and talked about the content and we LOVED learning the christian history of our country. I think history took the longest to complete because we stopped so often to talk about it!!!!
... Thank you for removing the obstacles that school provided that made learning such a nightmare in the past.
We LOVE Accelerate!
Laurel, NSW
What a blessing! - Matthew (student), NSW
What a blessing I've received this year through having the opportunity to study Year 10 ... doing the A.C.E. program.
Matthew (student), NSW
Good advice - Constanza, NSW
Thank you for helping us with our questions and providing us with good advice.
Constanza, NSW
Priceless - Jeanette, NSW
Thank you for everything you have done in supporting and helping us in our homeschooling journey. You are priceless in this ministry!
Jeanette, NSW
One of the best decisions that we made! - Grace, WA
I sincerely think the choice for the home-schooling was one of the best decisions that we made with Estelle.
Thank you so much for her to be able to enjoy her last 4 years of high school study together with her tennis.
A life changer for the whole family - Melody, WA
This program has been amazing for Samuel. He has completed more work and handwriting in the last few months than he has over his entire schooling life.
I didn’t think this program was going to go well because Sam was required to write: no school or disabilities organisation could get him to write. He was really reluctant at first with this program but now he wakes up every morning ready to go. His progress in his writing skills is fantastic. The school moderator has visited and is really impressed with the difference. As a mother, I know my son has intelligence, but I’ve been fighting private and public school systems that have held him back and told me otherwise. Sam has never received a school report because all his teachers said Sam didn’t complete anything for them to mark.
As a mother who has a son with disabilities, it’s really heart breaking to see systems fail him and professionals saying this is how things have to be done. As his mother the biggest wish I could hope for Sam is for him to function happily in Society, contributing where he can. An education is a vital part for this wish to succeed for him. All the professionals were just shrugging shoulders and scratching heads, happy to watch him rot.
I am truly grateful for the program you guys run. This program is perfect for Sam's learning needs and has caused a great change for the positive in Samuel.
People would never believe he was the same kid that 6 months ago spent his days rocking under a chair. It's proof how the environment of many hours of school really plays a part in children’s lives and what it creates in them. Now we can’t stop him from talking, so eager to share information he has read and learnt. No more rocking or tantrums, no more severe autistic symptoms because of anxiety. Instead, an intelligent young man that can make eye contact and is fulfilling his potential. I don’t know if other children diagnosed with autism have the same result but this program certainly has been a life changer for the whole family.
My life and family life is completely different. Chalk and cheese. It’s happy cry worthy.
Melody, WA
Awesome Meeting - Julie, WA
Wow! That was an awesome meeting….we crossed t’s dotted i’s and the moderator was very happy with our overall learning plans and ideas. She also had some good suggestions, thank you Lord…and thank you and bless you who prayed. We don’t have to see her for 12months…exhaling now!
Julie, WA
Thank you for helping us to get started... - Annette, VIC
I just wanted to say thank you for helping us to get started with homeschooling...
It has been great to have real people to talk to...
The online parent training has been fantastic and I have revisited various videos just to refresh my memory on details. The video lessons for Maths have already been helpful as well. Through the video information on your website I’ve already been able to successfully place my own orders.
We have seen a real change in our daughter since we removed her from her school situation and started homeschooling through you… She has been starting her work early in the morning at her own initiative and choosing to work straight through without breaks in order to complete her goals for the day so she can then have opportunity to pursue her own interests for the rest of the day.
I just feel such gratitude to be able to have this opportunity, so I thank you for providing it for us...
Having an external body for accountability is helpful for staying on track and staying motivated and diligent.
Annette, Victoria
God is included in every learnings - Rhodely, VIC
Rhodely, Vic- 2022
Looking forward to doing his Maths - Nikki, VIC
Nikki, Vic- 2022
Marvelous - Sarah, VIC
Thank you so much. You're marvelous!
Sarah, Victoria
Very easy to reach - Edmira, VIC
Accelerate Christian Home Schooling was very helpful during our VRQA registration process. They provided us with helpful details that we can use in order for our registration to be successful. They are very easy to reach. They reply promptly in all our calls and emails with all the information we need.
Edmira, Vic
The right choice - Rose, SA
I just want to express my gratitude towards your program, I feel very supported and am really glad I made the choice my husband and I made to sign up with your company.
Rose, SA
Always appreciated - Marian, TAS
We as a family just want you to know that we appreciate ALL that you do to keep home schooling resources available to us. Your advice is always appreciated.
Thank you for coming to Tasmania for the celebration in February. The last celebration was thoroughly enjoyed by our family and it was a memorable evening for Esther. She STILL talks about it. Thank you for all the thought you put into the flow of the program for the Celebration evening. We know you work under a lot of pressure and you are extremely busy, and this is a short note to say "THANK YOU" for ALL that you do, not only the Celebration but for everything else throughout the year.
Marian, Tas
I am so happy - Clare
I am so happy seeing how my five year old is thriving with the ABCs with Ace and Christi program. He is reading words confidently, forming the letters and words well, knows the numbers up to 50, and today he picked up the concept of adding one more. It is so exciting watching him learn and achieve! I really do love A.C.E!