What is the Supervisor’s Progress?

The Supervisor’s Progress Card is a vital component to the A.C.E. procedures.  It is very useful as a multi-functional data, stock record control document.

The benefits of the Supervisor’s Progress Card are:

  • to record student prescriptions.
  • to keep track of what PACEs have been ordered and inventory those received.
  • to record test scores and monthly newsletter scripture memorisation in one place.
  • to ensure that the student is completing PACEs evenly across the subjects (students should complete the same number of PACEs across all subjects (Math, English, Science etc.). Some students have “favourite” subjects and those they seem to avoid.  As a supervisor, it is your responsibility to ensure that your student completes about the same number of PACEs in each subject area over the year, and that they are completing PACEs within the same level across all subject areas.  A variation of 4-6 PACE numbers across the subject areas is normal, however, if your student is a whole level (12 PACEs) behind in one or two subject areas, we recommend that you allocate more time each week to these subjects.
  • to be editable. They are completed in pencil, so the prescribed (planned) PACEs can be changed if needed over time.
  • A5 in size which makes it easier to scan or take a photo of to ensure you have a digital copy as well.
  • to be colour coded. The STK row should be in pencil, but you can colour code the other areas to your own benefit.

Only 1 card should be required for each student each year.  Using the Supervisor’s Progress Card will make it easier for you as the supervisor.

An example of a Supervisor’s Progress Card:

The Supervisor’s Progress Card above has the following components:

  • The students details (name, school year and Date of Birth).
  • The 7 foundational subject areas are listed in the first column on the left hand side. As you can see from the image, if the student is completing a specific senior subject in the subject area, you can add the name below.
  • The words Bible Memory is the last row of the subject area column. This can be used for our monthly newsletter’s scripture memorisation.
  • The second column is divided into 3 rows for each subject area. The first row has a # sign, the second has a % sign and the third row has the letters STK.  The # sign indicates the current PACE number, the % sign indicates the result of the PACE test out of 100 and the STK lists the PACEs required and those which are in stock.
  • The remaining columns are provided for you to complete.

How to use a Supervisor’s Progress Card:

  1. Add the Student’s Name, School Year (grade or age) and their Date of Birth to the top of the card.
  2. In the 3rd STK row, (within each subject area), enter the PACE numbers (in pencil) your child is projected to complete in the current year

When you are first starting, you will need to refer to the prescription to find the list of PACE’s for each child*, otherwise you continue in numerical order from the previous year

*When entering the PACEs from a prescription, please keep the following in mind:

  • Be aware that the student may have been prescribed “gap PACEs”, so the numbers may not be in sequential order but rather some PACEs may be skipped.
  • If the prescription states “… and following”, the numbers can be added sequentially from this point.
  1. When you order a PACE draw a diagonal line (usually from the top right hand corner to bottom left corner), in pen, across the number. This will allow you to know what you have ordered and what still needs to be ordered.

When the student is completing the 2nd to last PACE in stock, order the next lot of PACEs (A.C.E recommends that you order 3 PACEs ahead of the student’s current PACE.  When you become familiar with the speed with which you child works and the length of time the PACEs take to arrive you can adjust this to suit both.)

We recommend referring to the Ordering: Notes on Subjects page on our website (to know what items are required for each PACE/subject) and the Product Catalogue (to obtain Product Codes).

  1. When you physically receive the PACE draw another diagonal line (to make an X) in pen, across the PACE number.
  2. When you issue the PACE (with the PACE test removed) to the student, write the PACE number again in pen (usually blue or black) in the No. row (first row) above the same number on the 3rd
  3. When the student has completed the PACE test (and you have marked it), and achieved 80% or higher, you can add the result in the % row in pen. C.E. recommends green pen (because you would add the result after marking the PACE test in a green pen), however, you may want to write higher results in a different coloured pen to highlight the higher marks.
  4. Our monthly newsletters include a scripture to memorise. We recommend the student practice over the month until they can say the whole scripture by memory.  When the student has demonstrated that they have memorised the scripture, you can add it to the row named Bible Memory.  There are 12 columns divided into 2 rows, a number for the month and a space for the scripture reference.  When you have added this to your Supervisor’s Progress Card, you can also login to our website, and submit the Scripture Memory form from our Submit Test results section.

Please know that the red crosses in the above Supervisor’s Progress Card is related to invoicing families of students within a school, which doesn’t apply to home schooling families.

For more information on the Supervisor’s Progress Card please refer to:

Parent Training Videos page on Stock Management and Issuing a PACE.

Hints and Tips page – Procedures – Using your SPCs.