Literature Scope and Sequence

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Please note: There is additional information on the Literature PACE's in the Ordering: Notes by Subject (Literature) page in the Member's Area.  It provides a helpful list for ordering of the PACE's in each Level and their relevant Score Keys. There is additional information in relation to Basic Literature in order to utilise the PACE's to their fullest. 

Primary and secondary pre-credit level PACEs

Secondary credit level PACEs

Literature and Creative Writing 1013-1024

Literature and Creative Writing 1013 - 1024

1013 Practise writing the capital letters in order; learn to interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing; learn to read and write stories.

1014 Practise writing small letters (lower case) in order; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing; learn to finish stories.

1015 Practise writing small letters in order; learn to finish stories; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing.

1016 Practise writing small letters in order; learn to finish stories; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing.

1017 Practise writing letters which go above and below the line; learn to finish stories; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing.

1018 Write words; learn to finish stories; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing; put sentences and pictures in order.

1019 Practise writing words; put sentences and pictures in order; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing; learn to choose story endings.

1020 Learn to finish stories; interpret pictures and imagine what someone is saying or doing; put sentences and pictures in order.

1021 Learn to finish stories; look at pictures and write what God made; learn to describe things that God made; look at a picture and know what people are saying; put sentences in order.

1022 Know what is happening in a picture; write what is happening in a picture; learn to finish stories; put sentences and pictures in order.

1023 Learn to choose what is happening in a picture; learn to make connected lines; learn to finish stories; learn to answer questions and write sentences.

1024 Learn to choose what is happening in a picture; learn to finish stories; learn to answer questions and write sentences; learn to write sentences with adjectives.

Literature and Creative Writing 1025-1036

Literature and Creative Writing 1025 - 1036

1025 Practise handwriting and reading skills; write what is happening from pictures; learn how action words make writing more interesting; learn to choose the best answers and answer questions; read Chapter 1 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christie; put instructions in order.

1026 Practise handwriting and reading skills; write words that tell how, when and where; read Chapter 2 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christie; change "what kind" words to "how" words; tell when and where things happen.

1027 Practise handwriting and reading skills; write story titles and choose story endings; write about "What you would do if…"; learn about a Table of Contents; read Chapter 3 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christie; learn about characters, plot, setting and order in a story.

1028 Practise handwriting and reading skills; answer questions from pictures; write story titles and choose story endings; think and write; read Chapter 4 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christi;visualize setting and Characters; review action words

1029 Practise handwriting and reading skills; write about myself and others; decide "Which is…"; learn and write words that describe; read Chapter 5 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christi.

1030 Practise handwriting and reading skills; recognize things that belong together; use my imagination; write sentences in order; read Chapter 6 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christi; follow directions.

1031 Practise handwriting and reading skills; learn about words that rhyme; learn about the parts of a book; read Chapter 7 of Summer Fun with Ace and Christi; tell what happened in a story.

1032 Practise handwriting and reading skills; read about Jedediah Smith in Chistians Courageous; learn the meanings of new words; learn about heroes and enemies in a story; write a story report.

1033 Practise handwriting and reading skills; read about Elijah Lovejoy in Chistians Courageous;write another ending to a story; unscramble a story and put it in the correct order; learn about limericks.

1034 Read about Sojourner Truth in Chistians Courageous; find places on a map; place pictures in order and write my own story from the pictures; practise handwriting and reading skills; write by answering who, what, when, where and why questions.

1035 Practise handwriting and reading skills; use imaginationl; read about Joseph Brant in Chistians Courageous;locate places on a map; learn about making maple syrup; write a story report; create a story from pictures.

1036 Practise handwriting and reading skills; answer "What will I do if…"; read about Clara Barton in Chistians Courageous; write a story report; create a story from pictures.

Literature and Creative Writing 1037-1048

Literature and Creative Writing 1037 - 1048

1037 Begin reading The Little Green Frog; practise handwriting; use imagination; learn about a dictionary; think how things are the same or different; predict the end of a story.

1038 Finish reading The Little Green Frog; use imagination; find phrases within sentences; make action words; follow directions; draw conclusions; practise handwriting.

1039 Begin reading Saved at Sea; practise handwriting; use imagination; use action words; write what is happening; look up words; learn about a famous poet.

1040 Finish reading Saved at Sea; use imagination; learn about the dictionary and the alphabet; practise handwriting; write a poem; find the main idea of a paragraph; learn how words can paint pictures in our minds.

1041 Begin reading The Red Rag Riddle from the Ace and Christie Series; learn about riddles; learn about and find adjectives; learn words that show contrast; read and find misspelled words; practise handwriting; think what you know; learn words used to compare.

1042 Finish reading The Red Rag Riddle from the Ace and Christie Series; learn about and write a summary; think how things go together; learn about news stories; practise handwriting; learn about heroes and heroines.

1043 Begin reading Charlotte's Web; follow directions; learn the meanings of new words; find the main idea in a paragraph; use imagination; practise handwriting; draw conclusions.

1044 Continue reading Charlotte's Web; learn the meanings of new words; practise handwriting; find hidden words; remember and write what I have seen; draw and write the parts of a spider and its web; think and write what I hear, see and smell; learn about Roman numerals.

1045 Learn about libraries; learn about biographies and autobiographies; read about Hudson Taylor, Wilfred Grenfell and David Brainerd in Children's Missionary Library; learn to make word clusters; practise handwriting.

1046 Read about John G. Paron, Ann Judson, Pandita Ramabai and David Livingstone in Children's Missionary Library; practise handwriting; write a letter to a missionary; learn the pronunciations and definitions of new words; do map work; write a sketch.

1047 Learn about the Ten Commandments; learn about short stories; begin reading Choice Stories for Children; write a different ending to a story; practise handwriting; find valuable lessons in stories; write an invitation.

1048 Learn more about literature; continue reading Choice Stories for Children; learn about "alike" and "different"; learn about and write an anecdote; practise handwriting.

Literature and Creative Writing 1049-1060

Literature and Creative Writing 1049 - 1060

1049 Learn more about literature and writing creatively; practise proper cursive handwriting; continue reading Choice Stories for Children; learn more about anecdotes and write another anecdote; learn to use edit marks; learn more about setting, characters, plot and order in short stories; learn about Count Zinzendorf.

1050 Learn to use the dictionary to find information; finish reading Choice Stories for Children; learn to find the main idea; learn about the Morse Code; learn about similes; study a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1051 Learn to paint word pictures with similes and metaphors; learn the parts of a single-engine aeroplane; begin reading North to Amaroqvik; find things on a map; learn some interesting facts about the Far North (Canada); learn about biomes; recognise things that go together; learn about the four kinds of conflict, or struggle, in stories; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1052 Learn more about writing a summary; continue reading North to Amaroqvik; learn different ways to spell the long o sound; learn about homophones; learn about the th sound; learn about units of measurement in the English and metric systems; learn about and write anagrams; learn about silent letters; learn some interesting things about wolves; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1053 Learn more about analogies; learn about a novel, a blurb, and a preface; begin reading Heidi; learn about cause and effect; learn about alliteration; review similes; learn about hymns; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1054 Learn more about Switzerland; learn about topic sentences and supporting sentences; read Part Two of Heidi; learn about nouns; learn about personifications as a figure of speech; see how quotation marks are used; write a book report; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1055 Learn about synonyms and antonyms; begin reading Miracle at Camp Friendship; learn about point of view; answer thought questions; practise being observant; learn about lizards, the moon, and owls; identify the ow sound; review homophones; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1056 Learn more about writing summaries; review the use of edit marks; learn about hobos and hornets; continue reading Miracle at Camp Friendship; learn about comparison and contrast; review the four kinds of conflict in stories; learn about quotation marks; write a book review; practise proper cursive handwriting.

1057 Begin reading A Dog of Flanders; learn about different resources for finding information; learn about Flanders, Belgium, and a Flemish artist; learn about expository writing; learn the difference between facts and opinions; use facts to draw correct conclusions; practise reading and observing carefully; make a birthday card' practise proper cursive handwriting.

1058 To continue reading A Dog of Flanders; learn some art terms; practice some art concepts; review and practice personification; learn about persuasive writing; practice writing a persuasive paragraph; review facts and opinions; see the correct order of things; practice proper cursive handwriting.

1059 Begin reading Star of Light; learn about Africa, northern Africa, and Morocco; review similes and personification; understand word meanings from sentence clues; learn about lively, descriptive verbs; learn about descriptive writing; learn about and write words used as adjectives; practice proper cursive handwriting.

1060 Learn about time order and narrative writing; read Part Two of Star of Light; learn about Gibraltar; use adjectives to compare; use analogies to compare; review some basic phonetic sounds and spellings; consider why the author chose the title Star of Light; practice proper cursive handwriting.

Literature and Creative Writing 1061-1072

Literature and Creative Writing 1061 - 1072

1061 Learn some facts about literature; begin reading The Fugitive King; learn to work logic puzzles; learn to write a paragraph of contrast; review homophones and synonyms.

1062 Finish reading The Fugitive King and anwering questions about the plot; learn about and use coordinating conjunctions; follow guidelines for answering short answer questions; determine meanings of new vocabulary words; solve different kinds of word puzzles; determine cause and effect; write a three-paragraph essay.

1063 Begin reading Christians with Courage; learn about biographies and autobiographies; use the dictionary; learn about root words; learn new vocabulary words; read and answer thought questions; learn about proverbs.

1064 Continue reading Christians with Courage; test skills of observation; learn terms related to news stories; learn to write headlines and leads for news stories; learn to draw a bar graph; see how God has directed the lives of great Christians over the years.

1065 Begin reading Alexi's Secret Mission; learn about the idea of same and different; compare things and ideas; write using comparison and contrast; see how comparison works in maths; recognise and write figures of speech.

1066 Continue reading Alexi's Secret Mission; learn about foreshadowing and predicting; learn to use specific nouns and lively verbs in writing; learn to add adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases to improve writing; learn about fact and opinion; learn about suspense.

1067 Begin reading Grandpa's Christmas Gift; use confusing words correctly; learn new vocabulary words; learn how the focus of the setting can change in a story; learn to put things in order; learn to follow directions; use logic to figure things out; learn to write directions.

1068 Continue reading Grandpa's Christmas Gift; learn about diaries; write diary entries; show understanding of certain vocabulary words; learn about poetry.

1069 Begin reading Little Pilgrim's Progress; learn about The Pilgrim's Progress and John Bunyan; discover things about a book by looking at its cover; learn about allegory; learn how expository writing explains, answers questions, compares or contrasts, gives reasons and tells "how to".

1070 Learn about idioms; review the meaning of allegory; review Biblical allegories (parables); learn about the man Aesop; read Part Two of Little Pilgrim's Progress; learn about characterization; read some of Aesop's Fables; examine an allegory in poetry; understand the allegories of . Little Pilgrim's Progress.

1071 Learn about a novel and narrative writing; begin reading Treasures of the Snow; learn about story structure; review conflict and point of view; review time order; identify figures of speech; answer THINK questions; identify sensory details.

1072 Write THINK and SUPPOSE paragraphs of five or more sentences; continue reading ; write descriptive paragraphs using sensory detail; review plot development and identify the climax and resolution of a story; review expository writing; learn about persuasive writing; write a persuasive paragraph and advertisement; determine the kind of writing needed for a specific topic.

Basic Literature 7

The Basic Literature programme covers a selection of books, including biographies and classical novels. Writing activities include analysis for style, plot and character development. Compositions based on some of the books give students to prepare outlines, write first drafts, correct their writing and turn in final drafts for assessments.

Basic Literature 7

74        George Mueller – Composition writing exercise of four paragraphs using outline

76        D. L. Moody – 300 word composition using outline

78        Through Gates of Splendour – 300 word composition using outline

80        God's Smuggler – 300 word composition using outline

82        By Searching – Five paragraph report using outline

84        Swiss Family Robinson – Four or five paragraph composition using outline

Basic Literature 8

The Basic Literature programme covers a selection of books, including biographies and classical novels. Writing activities include analysis for style, plot and character development. Compositions based on some of the books give students to prepare outlines, write first drafts, correct their writing and turn in final drafts for assessments.

Basic Literature 8

86       God's Adventurer – Multi-paragraph composition using original or sample outline provided; Opportunity to research

88        Little One, Maid of Israel – Four paragraph composition using outline

90        When Science Fails

92        Abraham Lincoln

94        Ann of Ava

96        In His Steps

Basic Literature 9

The Basic Literature programme covers a selection of books, including biographies and classical novels. Writing activities include analysis for style, plot and character development. Compositions based on some of the books give students to prepare outlines, write first drafts, correct their writing and turn in final drafts for assessments.

Basic Literature 9

98        Up From Slavery – Six to eight paragraph composition using outline

100     Michael Faraday

102     Pilgrim's Progress – Six to eight paragraph composition using outline

104     The Hiding Place – Six to eight paragraph composition using outline

106     Did Man Just Happen?

108     Robinson Crusoe – Six to eight paragraph composition using outline

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